Chapter 1

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Alya sighed softly to herself as she finished packing up her stuff in her backpack.

School had just ended and she and Nino had made plans earlier that day to hang out after school later that evening.

After putting her books away in her locker, the Hazel-eyed girl sighed yet again and pulled out her phone from her pocket.

She sent Nino a quick text, saying that she'd be there in a few minutes before quickly pocketing her phone and hoisting her backpack higher on her shoulders.

As she walked slowly out of the school building, she saw many students standing around chatting or wait for friends to be done with after-school activities.

Alya looked up from her phone upon seeing Nino approach her from a few feet away.

"Hi Nino," she greeted her boyfriend with a wide smile and a quick peck on the cheek. "Ready to go?" She asked and he nodded.

As the two young transfers started to make there way to Alya's house, they chatted about anything and everything.

"I'm home Mom!" Alya called as she entered the living room. Her mother stepped out of the kitchen and gave her daughter a tight hug while asking her how her day at school was.

"School is school, Mom." Was her only answer she gave. "Anyway, do you mind if Nino stays over for a while?"

Her mother just nodded her head as if to confirm she was okay with it before returning to the kitchen to make dinner.

"Come on, let's go upstairs to my room," Alya grabbed her boyfriend by the hand and they headed up to the girl's bedroom.

While Nino made himself comfortable sitting in Alya's desk chair, she began unpacking her backpack.

She quickly scanned through her History folder before shaking her head and placing it back inside the bag. "I'll do my History stuff later: it's not due till Monday anyways." She muttered quietly to herself while turning to glance down at her phone.

"I'm gonna send a quick text to Nettie!" She informed Nino as she walked over to her bed and sat down on top of the comforter.

Alya- Hey Nettie, wanna have a sleepover at your place on Friday?

As she waited for the girl to respond, she looked over at Nino, who was scrolling through his phone.

It only took a few more seconds for her phone to let out a small ping, letting the girl know that her friend had responded.

Marinette- Sure Alya! I'd never say no to having a sleepover:)

Marinette- Lemme just ask my parents first

Alya stared down at her phone screen, watching as the little bubbles popped up, letting her know that Marinette was typing out a response.

Marinette- They said yes! You can come over to my house anytime you want:) I'm looking forward to having you come over

Alya- Sweet! Anything in particular you want me to bring along?

Alya- And no, I'm not having Nino come over with me this time LOL

This time, it took quite a while for the girl to write back to her. And when she did, Alya noticed that she sounded a bit confused.

Marinette- Huh? What do you mean? Nino wasn't there. The last time you were here was when Shadybug, Claw Noir, and Betterfly came to our universe

Marinette- Oh by the way, did you end up getting enough sleep after that? Cause you know me: I try to but my mind is always racing

Marinette- I think Cat Noir and I might be getting closer to finding out how to get the upper hand on Monarch:)

Alya blinked and re-read the last sentence again and again. Wait, Monarch? What on earth is she talking about?

She squinted at the screen with a puzzled look on her face. She then turned to face her boyfriend.

"Uh, hey Nino? Come take a look at this!" She held up her phone for him to see as he took a seat next to her on her bed.

"Huh, I don't get it." Nino sighed and fiddled with his cap before glance back at his girlfriend's phone.

"Something doesn't feel right here... It says Marinette but I know for a fact that she isn't this open with anybody."

The two sat in silence before Alya's eyes grew wide and she turned to face her boyfriend with a horrified look crossing over her face.

"Oh my God! I think I just texted a Marinette from a different universe!"

All Nino could do was stare with wide eyes at his girlfriend. "Wait, what?" Was all he could get out. "Do you really think that person you were texting is from another universe?"

Alya just nodded her head numbly in response. "It has to be! That's the only explanation I can come up with!" She told him fiercely.

But if her guess was right, how in the name of kwami were they gonna fix it?

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