"You don't want to join Miss Antela and get out of my class, get three detention this week and 15 points from your house. Perhaps..... you'd like that, Miss Potter?"

"Urgh" Meanie groaned in her chair. "Bloody hell" she said under her breath.

"5 points from Hufflepuff!" Snape decided.

"What?!" This time it came from Ryan.

"Miss Butler, do not get involved" Snape snapped at Ryan.

"Excuse you, but I only said what. How am I getting involved?" Ryan stood up, grabbing the table from anger.

"Give your mother my blessing, Miss Butler" Snape said in a rather cold voice, giving Ryan an icy knowing look from his eyes.

Ryan sat down in her chair. "Why don't you write her yourself" She muttered.

Snape heard but said nothing. Ryan knew he heard in clear hearing what she said.

"Ahm" Snape cleared his throat. "Open your books in page 726, class."

But Melanie was no longer paying attention. She was angry. Angry at Snape. Angry about her not controlling her mouth sometimes. Angry about everything.

She missed her family. That started to grow on her and she really waited to go back home.

She wanted a comfort hug from her father and to discuss about life with her mother.

She also missed Joy, her house elf. She missed her cooking and how much fun it is to talk to her.

By the time the class ended she and Ryan exited the class as fast as they could. Both of their minds weren't focused in place.

She saw a Slytherin boy running towards her direction.

Melanie raised her eyebrows, confused.

The boy slowed his run and walked up to her and Ryan. He looked like he was on his third year.

"Melanie Potter?" He asked.

"Yes..." Melanie said.

"And are you Ryan Butler?" He turned his head towards Ryan, a Slytherin green scarf on his neck.

"The one and the only" Ryan answered.

"Professor Sprouts is looking for the both of you. She said to meet her in her office" They boy said.

"Why?" Melanie asked.

"I don't know. She's not the head of my house. I don't know her businesses" The Slytherin boy said.

"No need to be rude about it" Melanie snapped.

"I wasn't" The boy said.

"You were" Ryan piped in.

"Whatever. Go meet her. Bye" The Slytherin boy turned his back at them and walked away.

"Weird" Ryan let out a breath as her and Melanie made their way to the office.


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