Chapter 29

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Next morning....

Toro:- wake up you have college!! Did you forget!!

Sky:- please 5 minutes more!!

Toro:- no 5 minutes!! Just wake upppp!!

Sky:- Toro!! Go away don't disturb me, I gonna be the king of pirates!!("sleeping talking")

Toro:- oh you don't want to wake up, I really sorry for this King of pirate but I don't have another choice


Sky:- ahhhhhhh!

Toro:- so wake up! Good!

Sky:- Toro you fool ! What is this?

Toro:- you are not waking up thats why I do that

("Sky get ready for college")

Sky:- now I can go to college!

Toro:- are you sure that you are not nervous?

Sky:- ah, I am not!

Toro:- but your legs are shaking!!

Sky:- Toro what will I do if they know about me that I am human!

Toro:- maybe they killed you

Sky:- don't say like this!!

Toro:- okay now go or you get late!

Sky:- I going

Toro:- Okay!

Sky:- I am really going!

Toro:- bye

Sky:- don't go out bye!

("Sky was standing in the entrance of the college")

Sky in his mind:- God !! please bless this child with luck and my day goes smoothly!!

("Suddenly someone jumping upon sky back")

Sky:- ahhhhhhhh! I am sorry, I am really sorry!

Rain:- Skyyyyyyy!!!!! what happened?

Sky:- Rain!! You scared me!!

Rain:- Oh! Sorry! Actually I get a little excited after seeing you!

Sky:- it's okay!!

Rain:- by the way did you studying here too.

Sky:- Yeah!!

Rain:- Really!..

Payu:- why you two sitting in the ground, outside the college at your first day?!!("in confusion")

Pai:- Maybe they are begging for money!!

Sky and Rain:- Shut up!!

Rain:- Sky! You came with me!

("Rain take sky with him then they asked a senior about their classrooms")

Sky:- we are in the same classroom!!

Rain:- ("sigh")

Sky:- what happened?

Rain:- nothing let's get inside!! By the way did you again try to help someone?

Sky:- what do you mean?

Rain:- I mean to say how did you get hurt on your cheek again?

Sky:- This is because of my cat!!

Rain:- oh!!

Teacher:- Hello you both young man can I have your Attention please!

Sky and Rain:- sorry! Madam

Teacher:- So hello everyone welcome to you all to the arts section!
Let's start the class......

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