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" Bruh these movies are amazing, I don't know how to explain it but I am addicted now, I also need season two of loki to come out, I'm also surprised that we finished them in like three days " I rambled to Aubrey as I finished watching the most recent Avengers movie.

" You mean you finished them in like three days, I was forced to stay here so you could stay up and watch them, I wasn't even watching" she said, turning away from the window.

" well, I won't hold you hostage here anymore. You can go home tomorrow or you could stay here and we can have a normal day in the park tomorrow. just you and me and Books" I suggested, she really did need to go home though. It's been five days since she's been home. I've kept her here for that long because I love my friends and summer, we start school in a month anyways so it wouldn't have mattered if she stayed another week.

Or forever.

" Yeah that sounds nice. Go to sleep though because I am" She said, crawling onto my top bunk of my bed.

" all right good night then" I said, plugging up my phone and going to sleep.

/ (narrator voice) the next day/

Gosh, I believe that was the best sleep that I've ever gotten. Wait a minute. why is my bed so comfortable. My bed is as hard as a rock. And where is my guitar and my posters and my stuff? And Aubrey?!! Where am I? This room looks expensive. Everything is nice looking, very bland though. I quietly got off the bed and opened the door enough for me to look out. All I seen was a hallway full of doors that were probably other bedrooms. Was I in a hotel? This is one fancy hotel if you ask me. I walked fully out of the room and decided to go right. I made my way into a livingroom lobby type deal.

"Who are you" a manly voice said.

"Mia, who are y-" I said, turning around to see Chris Evans. "Chris Evans".

"Who"s Chris Evans, I'm Steve Rogers, how did you get in here" he said, sternly.

"What's the problem Steve" another manly voice said. Then, Sebastian Stan came from behind him.

"Sebatian Stan".

"Who's that and who are you" he said, looking between me and Chris.

I just stood there frozen and the two men looked at me. When they came on screen in 'Captain America: The First Avenger' I was in love. The marvel men bedazzled me.

"She said her name was Mia then she-" Steve said.

"Hey boys, who's this" Natasha said, walking into the room. FINE WOMAN ALERT!!!!

"Scarlet johanson" I said, shocked to the point my breath was caught in my throat.

"Oof!" Clint said, falling out of the vent above.

"Jeremy Renner" I said, looking at everyone.

"What's going on in here? Are you having a party without me?" Tony said, walking into the kitchen, pouring and drinking some whiskey.

" r.d.j,oh mah stars."

"Who's that?" Tony asked.

I had officially lost it. Most of the original sixes actors were in front of me. I passed out.

"someone-catch her?" Steve said, confused because you teleported or disappeared he didn't know you just weren't there.

All of the avengers in the room stood in place, confused.

I jostled awake in my bed still freaking out. As I caught my breath, I realized it was just a dream. It was just a dream. All of my stuff wasn't gone, my posters and guitar was still there. Aubrey wasn't in the room, though breakfast food could be smelled faintly from the other room. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to see Aubrey at the bar and my mother cooking food.

"Good morning" mom said as I sat down in the bar stool.

"Morning" I said as I slumped onto the table.

"What's wrong with you" Aubrey said, chuckling.

"My dream, it has me all kinds of messed up, it felt so real" I said, sitting up.

"Was it about the avengers" Aubrey asked.

"Yes how'd you know" I asked her.

"Same thing happened to me when I watched them" she said.

"I don't think you understand how real this felt, it felt like I was there, physically" I exagerated.

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