"I assume nobody told you how much important it is when I give an appointment for a conference like this," I only gaze at him.

I know well that I have screwed up, but I don't know if I should be embarrassed or angry at myself for being so stupid. Well done, Laura! I continue staring at him, asking for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry. I... I was..." I try to find some excuse. I look around at those who are sitting around the table. Everyone is wearing unreadable masks, yet you can see the pity in their eyes- I think I've screwed royally. When I look at Ben, he's frowning at me. Back at Martinez, the intense look upon me with those eyes holding me in place makes me want to drop my head in submission. I don't know if this is the frustration from the look he's giving me or the fact that I screwed up one of the most important deals to our company and Ben. We hold each other's gaze until eventually, I give up. I drop my eyes, "I'm sorry," I murmur. A part of me likes to blame it on him. After all, that's the image the society has given the people. The arrogant, sexy god who has beautiful lips and a glorious body. F*ck, this is my hormones talking. God damn him. And how the hell did he end up behind me?

He leans forward, I scoot over and away. He reaches for the sack of paper and takes it with him to his seat, putting them in his folders. Oh, shoot, no! I've been doing some things in there. Oh god, he's not gonna read it, is he? Oh god...

I can't bear to look at him, but I can feel those blue eyes burning their gaze at me. I swallow hard. I hope this won't make the news. Pretty sure, I made a fool of myself in front of these business people and here I'm wondering when I will find a job. This proved me I have no idea how business works. I feel like I've been caught by a teacher like back in the high school. This time, an intimidating man who happens to make me breathe hard.

"Where were we?" And he starts talking again, which means everyone's attention slip away from me to him. And I, on the other hand, keep silence and frozen in my seat, though I don't listen to what they are discussing. For thirty minutes or so I sit there as a statue until I see Ben stands up and gladly I stand up just because I know I will be out of here soon. I am about to turn away and dart out of this room and this damn building just when Ben catches my hand.

"Hey! Where are going? We should say goodbye to them." He murmurs softly, but I can see he is angry from earlier. All I hope is that he wouldn't fire me if this deal gets smashed because of me. There is going to be more opportunities, right?

"I can't. I should go out. Please let me go." I tug my hand, knowing my sharp tongue wouldn't have any filter on it once I'm getting triggered. But he presses his lips into a hard line as he peers at me. I can't do anything but to give up. The good thing is I'm not going to see him again so a goodbye isn't a bad idea. I sigh agonizingly but follow Ben to the end of the meeting desk as he releases my hand. We approach... him. I shouldn't have accepted this meeting.

"Mr. Trevor, Miss. Brown," He nods at us as he greets us. I try so much not to look at him, especially in those icy blue that can lose you inside themselves... hang on! What am I talking about? Get a grip, Laura! He is just a handsome and you're losing yourself.

He extends his hand for a shake with Ben, and then he turns to me and repeats the action only with an amused smirk. I have no other choice but look at him, but stop myself of a terrible burst of anger of his ruthless action a few moments ago. He grins at me so brightly and stares at me like nothing happened. But I don't smile, not even a bitter one for my sake. I look like a fireball waiting to explode at the time. We shake hands and...

Until now I didn't believe in butterflies-in-belly, but that short moment when our hands still twisted, an unusual shiver runs down my spine. Gasping at the innocent touch, I raise my head and look at his face as he does so. Our eyes lock with each other. I withdraw my hand abruptly, but pure eyes still burning into one another, I look away immediately. This is so embarrassing.

Flames Of Seduction- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now