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Astarion sputtered in protest, his hands flying to his chest, injured and whole alike. The reaction was completely involuntary; He was caught completely off guard.  He was simply speakless,  entirely flustered, and completely dumbfounded. For a moment, he felt as though there was no way that he could have possibly heard her correctly. She wanted him to strip? For medical purposes?  Not that he was opposed to bearing himself; he had done so often enough in the past, to oohs and awes and all of the appropriately impressed and besotted responses that he was used to receiving. However, he had not... performed in such a way since attaining his freedom, and was not ready to. Not now, not...yet. If ever. He knew, of course, after more than a moment that it was not Hestra's intention to seduce him; she sat in the chair before him calmly and patiently waiting with her medical satchel ready to examine him. No, there were no entendre to be had here, double or not. Astarion found himself feeling slightly disappointed, ever so slightly put out that she was so genuinely interested solely in his physicality as it pertained to wellbeing. Did she not want to see his body purely to admire him? Did she not think him lovely? He knew he was, of course, objectively speaking, but he wanted her to think so as well. He fought off the desire to pout. Resolutely crossing his arms in front of him. "Absolutely not!" He cried. "I will be keeping my clothes on, thank you very much! Gods, darling, there are more romantic ways to get me naked and in bed, you know. You could have just asked." Hestra blinked. "I am asking now." She said, as matter-of-factly as though she were asking about the weather. She shrugged, patiently waiting for him to shed his clothing so that she could examine him. Gods, she cut right through his nonsense and got straight to the point. She reiterated that she needed him to disrobe while she pulled a stethoscope out of her medical satchel, explaining exactly what she planned to do with it. "I use this to listen to your heart." She continued. "That is how most examinations begin after I've taken into account your overall appearance, pallor, temperature, and eyes." She reached out for him once more, and Astarion bucked. He smiled weakly at her. "And how do you find my appearance?" He joked. Half in an attempt to keep a steady stream of witty banter flowing between them, and half in genuine askance. He was curious to know what Hestra saw when she looked at him with those gorgeous green eyes. "You're by far the most beautiful vampire I've ever met." She said while giving a chuckle that Astarion returned. There was no doubt in his mind that she spoke with full confidence, as he was likely the only vampire she had met. "If that passifies your vanity."She finished, and Astarion laughed and began to unbutton his top. His hands were clumsy and stumbling over one another.  He willed himself to keep from shaking. "That does nothing for my vanity, my sweet; please, be specific, don't be shy, go into excruciating detail. I want to know just how beautiful you find me." She chuckled goodnaturedly, and Astarion felt his heart swell with pride. He had said something that made her laugh! The warmth from her countenance was infectious, and it warmed him entirely from within, as though the sun were singing from within him. She raised her medical tool to his bare and exposed chest. She listened to his heartbeat for a moment, before depositing the tool back into her medical satchel and frowning. "hmmmmm, let's go from bottom to top. You have possibly the longest legs I've ever seen on a man, but you bear them well, your torso is shapely and proportionate, and you have fine arms... broad enough shoulders, and the fairest skin I've ever seen too. You look as though you're made of fresh show. Your face is quite pretty, with high cheekbones, a strong chin, and a pointed nose. It would look homely on any other face, but it balances yours out quite nicely. I'll admit your eyes were unnerving at first glance, but now I've come to find that they're quite brilliant. They sparkle like rubies when you smile." He coughed. She thought his eyes were... dazzling? Likening them to rubies? Astarion sent a silent prayer to the gods that he would not allow his outward appearance to belie how giddy he felt within. His head swam with barely contained joy. She thought him handsome, pretty, dazzling even. He had known Hestra long enough to know that idle flattery was not a vice she partook in. If she were to say anything, you could rest assured the words fell from her perfect lips only because she believed them to be the zenith of truth. He suddenly felt very shy. He was used to being paraded like a prized heifer, but now, under her gaze, as critical and honest as green glass, could not meet her gaze. He cleared his throat, "Well, you certainly know how to flatter a fellow." Hestra, blissfully unaware of the effect she was having on him, asked him to turn so that she could examine his pointed ears, and then she tested his reflexes. "Well, then, little healer, what is my prescription? What can you do to heal me?" He sprawled upon the bed, cradling his head in his hands and raising a leg in a gesture that would have been immediately identified as suggestive to any other audience. She paused. "Blood, Astation. You need blood." He gave a dry laugh. "Oh, Really? What gave you that idea? Is it perhaps because I am a vampire?" She huffed impatiently at him. "You asked for a prognosis, and one was given." Astarion chuckled, "I'm absolutely ravenous, but come now, darling, look around; you don't exactly see many volunteers lining up, do you?" He gestured to the empty room. Hestra grabbed a small vial from her medical bag. "What is that for?" He asked curiously. She did not answer him. She continued about her work; Astarion watched, as she sterilized a scalpel before suddenly, and rather unceremoniously slicing open her palm. 

"Gods!' What in the blazes do you think you're doing?" Astarion sprang to seize her scalpel-wielding hand and held it fast, lest she do herself further damage. "Sit," She gently but sternly instructed as he slowly sank back down, releasing her only as she set the scalpel down. She was right, of course. Astarion had been subsisting off of what little fauna he could find in the wilderness, their blood tasting thin and gamey. It was an unpleasant way to live, but it had been enough to subsist off of. Barely. The scent of her blood filled the room with an impossibly sweet smell. It was as thick and sweet as honey, and it made him swallow, hard. It was no secret that Astarion wanted Hestra, in whatever capacity he could have her, the mere presence of her throwing him into a tizzy. Here she was, before him, offering up herself to him, for him to taste, to swallow, to consume. His hand flew to his mouth as he stifled a moan; her scent was heavy in the air. His head swam with desire for both the healer and her blood. He sat stiffly, lest his any movement reveal how deeply he was affected by this...gesture. Of kindness or of duty, whatever the motivations on the part of the healer were, Astarion was too far gone to dwell overmuch on it. He watched as Hestra's blood trickled down her wrist into the tiny glass vial she had prepared. When it was full, she corked it and handed it to the vampire. "Your prescription."She said, as though it were some small, simple thing she had done.  Astarion's mouth hung open. His eyes darted from the vial to her to back again. " didn't have to do this; I would never have asked you to." He tried to speak, but his voice was low, dangerously so, and thick with emotions he wanted her to remain ignorant of. Hestra silenced him with the palm of her bloody hand. "I gave an examination, made an assessment, and ascribed a prescription. That is what healers do." Of course, she would say something along the lines of 'any-sacrifice-I-make-is-only-a-part-of-my-duty-bound-honor-based-belief-system'; 'anybody-would-do-the-same-' As though she were wholly ignorant to the fact that nobody else in any realm would be quite so self-sacrificing. Quite so selfless. So unhesitant. Astarion was always taken aback by how genuinely good Hestra was. She was just good, and her goodness just shone outwards from within her like the sun. She was the brightest light that he had ever beheld, and she was here, with him. So close that he could reach out and touch her. Take some of her light into himself, absorb some of her goodness. He knew he should leave her alone, lest he sullied her with his touch, and perhaps a better man would have. He, however, could contain himself no longer. He took her hand into his own and ran his thumb along the line where she had slit herself open. "One would say that you went above and beyond the linens of duty tonight." He whispered as he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her wrist gently. Then, before his better judgment could stop him, he ran his tongue along the palm of her hand. Savoring the taste of her sweet flesh, and her blood like Honey-Wine.He lapped at her blood, pressing her hand to his face so closely he was certain she could feel his every shuddering breath. After a minute or two of what felt like an eternity of bliss, She cleared her throat, and he lowered the hand from his mouth but did not release it, not yet. Running his thumb along the back of her hand as he clutched it in his lap. "Why did you do that?" He whispered. Even in the near darkness, he could see her eyes twinkle with well-contained laughter. Her hair glowed golden in the candlelight, and her every feature was soft. She smiled at him. Her uninjured hand reached out and patted him comfortingly on the head as though he were a tearful child. "Because all are deserving of care."

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