Chapter 1

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Jughead had gotten a paper cut during study hall. He hadn't noticed until it began to sting. When he looked down at the tip of his finger sure enough it was red. A drop of blood looked ready to drip down into his palm.

"Hey, do you have a tissue?" Jughead asked. Veronica turned her head to give him her attention.

Veronica stared at his finger and for a moment Jughead was worried she was one of those people who fainted at the sight of blood. He had his finger extended out towards her at the edge of his desk. Veronica grabbed hold of his hand and put the pad of his finger on her tongue. She wrapped her lips around it and let it go with a pop.

"All better." She said before returning to her own work. Jughead looked at her for a minute, in confusion, before returning to work himself.


Weeks later and Jughead had pretty much forgotten the incident in study hall. He was in science class walking to the front of the room to turn in a worksheet. The room had only a few students in it because most had gone to the room next door to work without teacher supervision.

As he walked to the front he tripped over a discarded backpack and came face first with the floor. On his way down he felt cold metal on his arm. He turned over and sat up before looking at it. It was bleeding, cut down his forearm.

He mumbled a few curse words to himself before pushing off the ground and heading for the teachers desk.

"Hey, I'm gonna need to-" Veronica came out of nowhere and cut him off.

"I'll take him to the nurse." She grabbed his good arm and practically dragged him out the door.

He really didn't think much of it because Veronica had always been a controlling person. That is until she pushed him into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Veronica! What the hell!?" He watched her as she ignored him and checked the stalls presumably for others.

When she deemed it all clear she walked back over to Jughead and grabbed a hold of his arm. She ran the pad of her finger along the cut, gathering up blood as she went. She brought her finger to her lips the way she had with Jughead's a few weeks earlier.

Jughead stared at her unable to take his eyes away. Veronica removed her finger with a pop, patted his cheek, and walked out. She left him in the bathroom, confused, and still in need of a nurse.


That same week Jughead was planning on meeting a few of his Serpent friends at Pop's. A few Ghoulies had found out and decided to interrupt the social gathering before anything could happen.

Jughead could see Pop's parking lot from where he got ambushed. Sweetpea and Fangs were already there waiting next to cars way too expensive for them to even think about owning when they heard the commotion.

Jughead was taking on three Ghoulies at once and doing a pretty decent job too. Sweetpea and fangs ran up and joined in on the chaos. Once it was one vs one the Ghoulies were no match. The Ghoulies ran across the street and ducked behind the building there.

Jughead could feel the blood drying on his skin as he watched his friends straighten up their clothes effectively unharmed.

"I'm gonna go wash up inside you guys check and make sure there's no more waiting around to kill us."

Veronica was working, she was always working, she owned the damn place after all. With blood on his lips and some dripping from his left eyebrow, he sauntered up to the counter.

"Hey you got a towel back there I could borrow?" He asked leaning on the counter.

Veronica turned around and looked on with surprise. Her eyes swept over his blood-covered face. Before he knew it she was dragging him through the two-way door into the back. When the door finally swung closed Veronica was on him, Jughead's busted lip colliding with hers.

Her tongue ran along his bottom lip both asking for permission to enter and cleaning it of blood. He didn't know why but he let her. He stayed there, pinned against the wall in the kitchen of the diner he had been going to for years.

He had never really thought about Veronica in that way before. Of course, he knew she was attractive but she had always been something he couldn't have. She was always the stuck-up rich girl from New York, or Betty's best friend, or Archie's girlfriend. Now that he was pinned by her he wished he had thought of her that way but at the same time, he was glad he hadn't because it would have been torture.

Jughead was completely enamored with her, not able to think about anything else but her lips moving with his, and then, without warning, she pulled back and grabbed a towel from the counter behind her subsequently giving it to him before walking out without a word.

Jughead had no idea what had happened. He had never felt something like that. His lips tingled as she licked her way across them. He had the complete desire to never let her go, let her do anything she wanted with him.

No wonder Archie was so obsessed.

He gripped the towel and walked back into the dining room trying to pretend nothing had happened. Sweetpea and Fangs were already sitting at a booth near the door waiting for him. Jughead walked up to them with the towel gripped tightly between his fingers looking around for Veronica.

"Hey man, your lip's not busted what happened? There was a lot of blood when I last saw you." Sweetpea called out to a distracted Jughead.

Jughead turned his head to face Sweetpea. "Huh? What?" Sweetpea gestured to his face.

"Your lip bro. It's fine. Where'd all the blood come from?" Jughead wiped his fingers across his lips and sure enough there was no cut, no pain, nothing.

"I uh- I cut my cheek when he punched me it wasn't really from my lip." Jughead lied. He could feel the huge gash when it formed he just had no idea how it was already healed. Come to think of it Veronica's kiss should have killed with the size of that thing but it didn't.

Jughead looked around the diner for Veronica, something wasn't right and he was going to figure it out. 

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