Surprise, Surprise!

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"Well, well! I wasn't expecting you to show up, Reilly!" 

The Wizard chuckled when he saw Reilly entering with the others, and everyone else stepped aside as he approached the throne. After swapping Alfie for the fiddle case, Reilly knelt in front of the Wizard's throne and opened the case before lowering his head in respect to the giant head on the wall.

"Your Excellency, I have not only come here to help these lovely people get their wishes granted, but I have also come to clear my name. I know I am infamously regarded as a wicked Gypsy King, but I wish to be known as playfully mischievous and helpful instead of all-around evil. With that in mind, I present to you the golden fiddle that you have requested that Katie and her companions bring to you."

Amazed at everything Reilly had said, the Wizard could see that there was something different about the man that everyone considered a villain, and the face disappeared from the wall before a curtain opened to reveal the Wizard. After the momentary shock faded at how splendid the Wizard actually looked, everyone else stayed still as the Wizard took the fiddle and helped Reilly onto his feet.

"Thank you for bringing me this fiddle of yours, Reilly. I understand how your first trick in years was a stepping stone towards meeting our special guest, and since you have also used your magic to help her out, I'll gladly accept your apology and clear your name. From now on, you will still be known as Reilly the Gypsy King, but you are no longer wicked."

After a grand fanfare played to signify the changing of Reilly's title, the Wizard smiled as he set the fiddle on his throne before he called in his assistant, who brought in a sack from the back of the throne room. When the Wizard announced that he was going to fulfill his promises to the other guests, Katie blushed and politely reminded him that he should grant her friends' requests before taking care of hers, and he nodded before opening the bag. The first thing the Wizard pulled out was a sash with an eagle-shaped badge on it, and he smiled as he walked over to Liam before patting him on the shoulder.

"Liam, you ferocious feline. You have shown a great amount of courage already on this journey, especially when you almost pounced on Reilly, but I know something that might help you. This old scouting sash with an eagle badge should remind you to face any dangers head-on, as the eagle flies above the storms, and the thought alone should give you plenty of courage."

With that, the Wizard helped Liam place the sash on him before taking a step back, and that was when Liam let out the most fearsome roar known to mankind. Once the walls and windows stopped wiggling from the reverberations of the roar, everyone applauded and cheered for him, and even Liam bowed to them before chuckling as he blushed. He then bounded over to the Wizard and thanked him with a tremendous hug, making the Wizard chuckle before they pulled away. When the Wizard asked which one of Katie's friends should receive their wish next, Tómas raised his hand and stepped forward as the Wizard pulled out a watch with a heart shape for the main part. He then approached Tómas with a growing smile before helping him place the watch onto his wrist.

"As for you, Tómas, you caring collection of cans. Your journey has had many instances full of selflessness and passion, from suggesting that Katie speak on Liam's behalf to helping hold her up through the Wild Irish Rose field. With that being said, here is a way for you to remember that you have a good heart, and you should wear that reminder on your sleeve... or at least, on your wrist."

Chuckling at his playfulness, the Wizard smiled as Tómas thanked him with a gentle hug before nodding when Tómas thanked him for his help. While Tómas went back to stand beside Liam, Shane smiled as he stepped forward before wobbling a little, and Katie was quick to get him back on his feet. After watching as the Wizard took out something that looked like a sheath of some sort, Katie stood by Shane and helped him up as the Wizard spoke to him.

"Ah, Shane, you silly stumbling sack. With your ability to bring your friends to Reilly's camp and back, I don't think you're a brainless wonder. What you need is a reminder to those crows not to mess with an intelligent being like you, and with that in mind, I present you with these tokens. This attachable pocket is for any pens you might collect, and it also includes a pair of glasses, so you can see as sharp as you think!"

After showing that there was a pair of glasses inside the pocket, the Wizard smiled as he started putting the pocket on Shane's front, but that's when the scarecrow started to fall backward. Thankfully, Katie was quick to help him back up, and she smiled as Shane embraced the Wizard and thanked him before he went off to stand with Liam and Tómas.

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