Katie and the Little Lads

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After waiting for a moment in case the storm was thinking of coming back, Katie crawled out from under the bed and lured Alfie out, even though her pet was nervous about what just happened to them. While Katie was relieved at how they were still alive through the storm, her joy was immediately replaced with surprise and confusion when she heard squeaky voices outside her door, and she stayed back as she tried to listen in. It seemed like people with tiny voices were asking about what to do with her house, and some wanted to make it part of the neighborhood before being told to wait until someone named Nolan saw it. Even though Katie wanted to open the door and match the voices to some faces, she decided to wait and see who this "Nolan" person was.

However, Alfie was getting a little rambunctious, and she started running around the room before clawing at the door. Seeing how her dog needed an escape after being cooped up during the storm, Katie was about to open the door when she noticed something strange outside her window. After opening the window and lifting the curtains, Katie found herself in awe at the colorful world that she had landed in, complete with tiny houses all around. It was at that moment when a gentleman approached her window, and when Katie saw a regal-looking badge on his lime-green jacket, she curtsied to the man before giggling when he bowed to her. Decked out in white and shades of green with a matching top hat, the gentleman looked a little taller than a leprechaun, but Katie kept her commentary inside as he spoke.

"Welcome, young lady, to the land of the Little Lads, a county in the land of Laz. My name is Nolan, I am the mayor of this land, and you are our first guest in a long time!"

Even though Katie was amazed at what she was hearing, she thanked Nolan for welcoming her before he invited her outside, to which she nodded before leashing Alfie and going out. While most of her attention was focused on how colorful everything was around her, she also noticed that the name of the land was very much appropriate, since she was twice the height of everyone there. The only thing that seemed to be about her size other than her house was a wagon that she had seen in books about gypsies, and she was looking at it in confusion when Nolan approached her. After curtsying to Nolan when he welcomed her again, Katie was asked where she came from before telling him about her home in Iowa, all while Alfie sniffed around at everything she could. Once the citizens of Little Lad Land had welcomed her, Katie asked about the wagon before watching everyone else look behind her, and they all shuddered in fear before taking a step back from the trailer.

"That's the trailer of the Wicked Gypsy King, Reilly. Even though Laz is a very safe place, he tries to sneak in anywhere he can and cause havoc. Do your best to be careful wherever you go during your visit here, or he might harm you!"

Understanding Nolan's warning, Katie thanked him for the input before they all noticed the trailer vanishing into thin air, to which everyone shrugged when it was gone. Upon hearing that there was someone out to possibly harm her, Katie held Alfie's leash as tight as she could and asked if anyone knew how she could get back home. She knew that having her room rebuilt would be a doozy of a task, but she wanted to be back safely with her Uncle and her favorite farmhand. Seeing how their guest needed help, the citizens of Little Lad Land promised to work on straightening up her room while she went to meet with the Wizard, who lived in the Clover City. After promising to make her room safe to ride in case it was used for the journey home, Nolan and Katie exchanged a hug before she and Alfie went off towards the Wizard.

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