!! Yr 3 !! (~Memories for the heart~)

Start from the beginning

Lupin explained what they would be doing and how they should say the "magic words". 

"Who wants to try first?" Lupin asks, looking between the boy and girl. Y/n raises her hand, volunteering as tribute. The professor claps proudly, "Wonderful! Just think of your happiest memory and say what I taught you, got it? Harry come over, I need you in front of Y/n so the dementor can appear." 

Y/n cracks her knuckles with a nod and grabs her wand, readying herself. Lupin opens the crate containing the dementor, quickly backing up after it opens.

Harry feels himself get woozy as he watches Y/n lift her wand up. 

"E-expecto Patronum!" She stutters but still manages to yell out the incantation. The dementor falters but doesn't fully disappear. Y/n squeezes her eyes shut, scanning her mind for a happier memory. She thought of the time Daphne, Blaise and her filled Draco's bed with pudding...while Draco was in it. But it wasn't happy enough.

What about that day in the common room when they all did each others makeup?

"Expecto p-patronum?"


When she and Daphne got "married" in second year and Draco was the flower girl?

"Expecto Patronum!"

Closer, but no...

Lupin steps forward to help but Y/n puts her hand up, "I've got it."

He steps back, going over to Harry. Harry watches the girl, mesmerized by her concentration. 

"Looks like you fancy her."

Harry splutters and chokes on his spit, surprised by what his teacher just said. He sounded so casual, as if he didn't just say the craziest thing Harry's ears have ever heard.

"That's crazy! I would n-never. She's brilliant, but not for me..." 

Lupin nods his head, not believing a thing the young -and oblivious- boy says.

As this small conversation happens, Y/n finally thinks of a happy enough memory.


The afternoon in the snow, the gift swaps, the late night hot chocolate run, the games. It was perfect!

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!" The thoughts of Christmas flooded her mind. Hermione's bright eyes as she opened her gifts, Fred and George's laughs as they chased Ron and Harry through the common room, Ginny's soft smile when they hugged, Harry's bright eyes and wide and toothy grin when they went to get hot chocolate for everyone.

A bright light shot out of the tip of Y/n's wand, making the two wizards and witch cover their eyes as the dementor finally disappeared. Y/n adjusts her shirt and clears her throat, turning to the men on the side.

"Your turn, Potter. Good luck." She pats his shoulders and walks over to sit down on the floor, out of the way. Harry watches her walk away from him, still shocked at how wonderfully she did. Even Lupin was impressed with how quickly she learned. 

The professor reminds Harry what to do before walking over to Y/n.

"May I ask what memory you used? It seems to have been extremely powerful." He asks, sitting beside the girl.

She looks up, "I just thought bout this past Christmas. I thought about what I did with my friends...what I did with Pottery- I mean Potter." she says simply. She smiles over at the boy as he prepares himself for practicing the spell. He was talking to himself and stretching his arms out.

Lupin looks between Y/n and Harry, a knowing smirk dancing along his lips. The two really reminded him of some old friends. Though Harry looked much like his father, he acted just the way his mother did. Completely oblivious to the true intentions of which Y/n had.

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