Chapter 1

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There was a knock at the door. My mother slid her guitar off her lap and walked to the door of the camper. I looked past her, but she moved into my view and I couldn't see anything anymore. 'Hi?' I heard my mother say in surprise. "I've come to see Will and Winnie Solace," said a boy's voice. "Come in," my mother said. A young man wearing a black jacket and black hair looked into the small room. "Will's in the tent," I said. My mother looked at me worriedly and pointed upstairs. I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll take you upstairs," I told the boy. The boy followed me onto the wobbly wooden loader. On our hands and knees we crawled through the tent canvas until we came to an area where there were cozy Persian carpets. 'Will! There's a visitor!' I shouted at the purple carpet. The carpet was pushed aside and my brother came out from under it. "Nico?" he asked. I shrugged and heard the boy behind me bump into the tent poles. 'I would like to sleep somewhere, so leave it intact!' I snapped at him. 'Can I talk to you?' he asked. Will looked at me worriedly and I shrugged again. Then Will nodded.Sorry for the short chapter

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