" Picture Perfect "

Start from the beginning

Throughout the whole thing, Bada was so close to you. Even if you two were close before, this felt way different. You were a blushing mess as she helped you. Just mesmerized by her face. Every single little detail.

" You okay? I'm sorry it was my fault " Bada whispered. Taking a seat next to you.

Bada's hand gently rubbed circles on the back of your hand, probably out of habit you thought.

"It's fine, Bada. Thankfully it wasn't you. Because you have that shoot tomorrow. " you replied.

" I know, but we were careless and then you fell. And then- " Bada started.

You smiled at her rambling and pulled her in for another kiss. Her eyes went wide at your actions, but she reciprocated the kiss quickly. The two of you tangled in one another touch again.

You pulled away and smiled, then pulled Bada out of the studio. She looked like a lost puppy again, following you around.

" You should head home, it's quite late. And you have another shoot tomorrow." You commented, holding her hands.

" I know, but I don't want to leave you, " Bada pouted.

You kissed her cheek and waved goodbye, leaving her behind. Knowing if you stayed another second, she wouldn't let you leave.

As Bada watched you walked away, her face gleaming with a smile. Her mind still processing that she hit it off with the infamous photographer in Korea. She was so awestruck by you, that not even the loud honking of Tatter's car took her out of the trance.

" Bada cmon we gotta go " Tatter yelled rolling down her window.

Bada laughed awkwardly at her actions and slid into the car. Awaiting the next day.

The next day your studio was frantic with people walking around with clothes and makeup. All of them preparing for day two shoot of her leaders of Street Women Fighter 2. With carts of clothing gliding throughout the halls, and heels clicking down against the floors. Everyone was nervous and stressed about the incoming shoot, even though the models hadn't arrived yet.

You were chilling in your studio, awaiting the arrival of the leaders. Thankfully being the head photographer, you didn't have too many tasks. Most of the other staff members did the work for you.

You sat bored in your studio, all though you could work on the shoot you had later on. Your mind wandered to the shoot from yesterday. Specifically the moments with Bada.

You searched all over the studio for the camera your friend used yesterday, along with your own. Once you found them, you were entranced by Bada's as soon as she appeared on the screen.

 Once you found them, you were entranced by Bada's as soon as she appeared on the screen

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