Sky:- whatever!

Toro:- so this the bedroom.

Sky:- and this is the kitchen!

After placing the things.......

("Sky and Toro was sitting in couch")

Toro:- finally it's done!!

Sky:- do want anything to drink!!

Toro:- Yes!

Sky:- here! Milk for you and water for me!

Toro:- again milk I don't understand why cats like milk!!

Sky:- who knows!!

Toro:- something is looking missing here!

Sky:- oh! I forgot

("Sky place a picture of him, Kuea and Toro")

Toro:- when did you click this picture!

Sky:- when you were sleeping!

Toro:- taking pictures without permission is Bad!!

Sky:- oh! Really you little Black kitty!!

Toro:- stop calling me kitty!

Sky:- by way I forgot that I have one more question!

Toro:- oh! Please not again!!

Sky:- hey! This one is the last I told you! Please!

Toro:- oh! Okay

Sky:- so you know about my past and it's time for you to tell me about you!! Who you are really? And why only I can hear your voice?

Toro:- My story is too long!!

Sky:- don't worry I have so much time!!

Toro:- Okay!! Do you want know who I am really!

("Sky nodded his head as Yes")

Toro:- so here me carefully I am Commander of ghost Spirit!!

Sky:- what? You are a commander! But didn't the ghost spirit are your enemies!

Toro:- you said that you only asked one question!

Sky:- but it's unfair that you know all the things about me and I don't even know about you!

Toro:- ("sigh") stupid human!! You are really annoying!! Okay let me tell you a story!

Story start....

Living in this cruel society is really difficult they divided into two society rich and poor, In the rich people life money, power thats all they want and in the poor people life they want their two times Food, Family and a little home!!

Sky:- are you poor too(" intreputed")

Toro:- don't speak between the story!!

Sky:- sorry! Hehe!

I was birth in a novel family! My dad wants me to join military I do as he says, I became the commander in the military it's the time of war I saw so many people begging for their lives but My Dad said that they are not good people they don't deserve Mercy and I again do what my Dad said!
I don't understand what he really wants I was do all the things he said like a puppet!
The war between ghost spirit werewolf and vampire is started, I was on Ghost spirit side, then suddenly my body stoped between the war and my heart started to hurting and then I fall down in the battlefield near a cherry blossom tree, I feel so ashamed that I died in the tragic way and then I meet him!! He told me that I have a second chance, but I have to complete a task then he vanished from there and when I wake up I saw myself that I became cat and I think that this is the punishment of my deeds!
I don't know that where I was but then I saw a circle So many candle and someone Chanted mantra some 5 people were there!!
I ask them it's why did they captured me? The person said that I have to bring you and told me all the things I have to do!! And then they sent me here it's really hard to find the right person but then I meet you!!
And you know what next was happened!!

Story ends.....

Sky:- wow! What a story! By the way who that person who told you that this is your second chance!

Toro:- I don't know but the voice I first heard is different from the one who chanted the mantra!!

Sky:- really!! So let's me help you!!

Toro:- oh please! first we have to save the human world then we can think about ourselves!!

Sky:- ("sigh") Does all the stories gonna end like this!!

Toro:- I don't know too! I miss myself!!

To be continued.....

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