Chapter 4

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You get out of the stall when you're all done only to surprisingly see that the Cameraman was standing there the whole time, waiting for you to finish. You try your best not to overthink anything as he looks at you.

"I'm done...!"

He nods at you then picks you up as you still struggled in walking well. He takes you to a room and goes in and finds a new set of clothes as you were pretty much still in your hospital clothing...
You thank him as he gives you the clothes. The Cameraman puts you down and leaves you in the room to change as so you do. The clothes weren't as comfortable as you liked but they were decent. It consisted of a simple white shirt with a grayish-black coat and pants. After a bit, you heard a knock on the door.

"Y-Yeah, I'm done !"

The Cameraman comes in and looks at you and then does a thumbsup. He then picks you up again and takes you back to the platform thingy where you were first put, then walked away.

You now really wondered why they are treating you well.... you were different and clearly more vulnerable. After you realize that you won't be getting any answers any time soon, you sigh in boredom. You now hoped that that TV Woman person would come back. She was nice and seemed like a fun person to talk with. The TV Man gave you creeps even if he was trying to be nice. He just looked menacing.

You look down at your legs, then stretch and move them around a bit, hoping to be able to walk again soon. While doing so, your train of thoughts continues. The Speakermen seemed really goofy and fun, but they were pretty loud to you. Maybe you'd have to get used to it... The Camermen were also nice so far and very quiet. You found it rather cute when they gave you and each other a thumbsup.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the loud voice of the same Speakerman who took you around the place earlier.

"Hello again!"

"Oh- Hi!"

"You feel all comfortable now?"

"I guess... a little better than before..
Hey uh-
I have a weird question-
Why is.... everyone treating me... y'know.... like I'm not a literal human, unlike them all?"

"Well! It's pretty rare to see a human! They've been extinct for a long time! I'm guessing the scientists want to learn more about you. You're pretty cool!"

"What will they.... do with me?-"

The Speakerguy stays silent for a while, then just shrugs.

"I'm sure it'll be all fine!! Don't worry!"


The Speakerguy gets called over by someone, so he waves at you and walks away as you sit there, slightly worried that you might end up as an experiment.

Around an hour later, a Cameraman comes and takes you towards a big door. When it was opened, he walked out and stood there as if he was waiting for someone. Soon, a bunch of black smoke like stuff appears, and you see the TV man you saw before. He puts his hand on the Cameraman's shoulder as the three of you get consumed with that black smoke again. You felt kinda weird, but soon enough, you found yourself in a very dark place with a few small number of other TV people walking here and there.

The TV Man leads you two to a place, and the Cameraman places you on an uncomfortable metal platform that you didn't want to be on. It wasn't as if you could do anything about it anyways so you just adjust for now.

Just then, a TV Man wearing a white coat slowly approaches you with his hands behind his back.
The TV man who brought you here said something to the guy, but you understood nothing. The white coat TV Man nodded once and faced you. He held your arm and examined it, then looked at your face after letting go. His blank screen just staring at you sorta creeped you out until he faced the TV and Cameraman and said something that slightly shocked the Cameraman, but the TV Man just nodded.

The TV Man, who by now you knew was the Scientist that the Speakerguy told you about earlier, walked away.

"C-Can anyone please tell me what he just said? Please..."

The two of them looked at you blankly until the TV Man spoke up.

"You are to be turned into one of us. You are too weak to handle what we are going through in this human form."

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