"Do you know this person? She wrote this in seconds" Hua asked

"ineedaeri.... No I don't think so" she said but she remembered Jun talked about an Haeri that was Woozi girlfriend

Jun 🍋


Need some help?
I thought you were more stubborn

Not that
Do you know ineedaeri?

That's Haeri
Woozi girlfriend
She texted you?!

She just comment on my photo
She knows who I am?

She may have saw your name on my phone and asked


You would like her
Wanna speak with her?
I think she's at the studio with Woozi

What would I say?
I don't even speak Korean

You're learning
It would be great to practice

But what did you told her?

You're my friend

Amazing friend

Yes all of that

Can I follow her?

Mei,you don't need to ask me
Of course you can
She'll be more than happy

Do you know when you're coming?

I'm trying
I haven't forgot our date


While Mei is with the girls, Jun goes searching for Haeri. Opening the studio door, there she was sitting on Woozi lap.

"I guess you know" she said to Jun. Woozi looked at both of them not understanding their conversation

"Really?" Jun said sitting down on the couch

"Can anyone fill me in?" Woozi asked "what have you done?"

"Me?" Haeri sounded offended

"You babe"

"Nothing... just a comment in a photo"

"Hmm sorry Jun" Woozi said "for whatever she did"

"She's gonna follow you" Jun said to Haeri " don't scare her off"

"Yes sir!" She smiled " see you at dinner"

Today Seventeen decided to have a game night at the dorms. It was Dino idea and everyone went along since they were busy and it would be good to relax a bit and enjoying their time together.

After dinner they were around the table when Vernon suggested they played Truth or Dare.

Getting their cups ready, the first round started. They got to know how old Wonwoo had his first kiss and how Hoshi got his first punishment in school, that and many more always with alcohol into the mixture.

"Jun!" Scoups smirked "truth or dare?"


"Ok" he stopped for a moment trying to come up with a dare "FaceTime the last person you texted"

"This gonna be good" Minghao said looking at him

"Is it her?" Haeri asked already tipsy

"Her?!" Joshua and Dk asked

Jun was ready to drink but Woozi stopped him "no no, your choice was dare. Now do it"

He took out his phone and called Mei. He was pushing the boys out of the picture, he didn't wanted to scared her right away.

"Hey" a sweet voice came around and all his members looked

"She's pretty"

"Oh you're dating?"

"So she's Mei?"

"Jun? What's happening? What they're saying? I'm still not that advance in Korean... although I'm pretty sure one of them called me pretty"

"Hey Mei" Minghao said smiling "sorry, we're playing truth or dare"

"Oh. And why call me?"

"I had to call the last person I texted"

"It's me? Boy you don't have friends" they didn't understood what she said but Minghao just laughed

"Always nice Mei" Jun rolled his eyes "ok the dare is over go on" he looked at his members but they weren't moving

"Ok maybe you do have to teach me some korean" she smiled " what did you said to them?"

"To go away but didn't work. Talk to you later?" She nodded "bye" She waved as he ended the call

"You have some explaining to do" Jeonghan said patting his shoulder

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