problem with some templar

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After having a strange "nightmare" I decided to go downstairs, to meet the others.

When I got downstairs, I saw Keith sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

Andri: (descending stairs) good morning Keith.

Keith: (reading the newspaper) Good morning to you too.

Andri: (looking around) hey Keith, do you know where Trace and Flora are?

Keith: They were out for a walk.

Andri: oh I see (sits near Keith)

Keith: hmn hi Andri, I was actually wondering where you were from, considering I've never seen anyone else dressed like you around here

Andri: oh, well I'm not from here, in fact I've never seen Keidran or basitin before

Keith: Right

Andri: yeah, basically it's like a human country.

Keith: then what is the name of your country of origin?

Andri: well my home country is called (censored), you've obviously never heard of it, right?

Keith: yes, I've never heard of that country

Andri: heh and believe me, no one will ever hear the name of that country here.

Keith: And why is that?

Andri: call me crazy, but basically, it's in another realm

Hearing this, Keith just raised one eyebrow

Andri: if you don't believe it, whatever.

Andri: Oh, and by the way where are we going next?

Keith: Well we have to find a ship to sail to my hometown and we need Trace for that

Andre: Why is that?

Keith: Let's just say he chose a strong influence. making it easier for us to board a ship.

Andri: ok, I understand


Trace: So you need my help to get support from other humans?

Keith: That's basically it

We were now outside the tavern with Trace and Keith talking about the next trip. Meanwhile, Flora was nowhere to be seen

Trace: But there's more. You need to know u-

Flora: Trace!

We turned towards the origin of the sound to find Flora running towards us.

Keith: (mumbles) Stupid Keidran

Trace: Flora? What is wrong? Did something happen to you?

Flora: Huff... no, no! Huff. I just saw another friend of mine- Keidran! I need your help! You're the only one who can get it out!

Keith: Wait!. Trace, Andri Can I talk to you guys privately?

We were both dragged away from Flora

Trace: Uh what's wrong Keith?

Keith: Trace, this is a really bad idea! One Keidran is bad enough, but two? There's no way I'm going to travel with two Keidrans!
Besides, if it's a guy, then you know you'll never be able to sleep at night with the noise they make

Andri: Wait, what does "the noise they make" mean?

Keith: You don't need to know that

Trace: Hey wait what are you talking about? Flora would never-

Twokinds: Strangerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें