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•Secret's Revealed•

it was a Friday morning, two days before Halloween, and Naomi woke up early to the bright morning sun. She hurriedly got ready for school, but before leaving, she wanted to jot something down in her journal. However, when she glanced out the window, she saw the mailman approaching. Excitedly, she left her journal on the bed and rushed outside.

Naomi went outside to the mailbox and waved at the mailman. She went through the mail and saw her college envelope in the mailbox, leaving the rest of the mail behind. Racing to school with her heart pounding, she couldn't wait to show it to, Leroy. Naomi called Leroy and told him to meet her in her car. Leroy arrived at school and then sat in her passenger seat.

Leroy smiled and said, "Alright, Naomi, it's the moment of truth! Let's swap and open each other's letters."

Nervously, Naomi replied, "Okay, here goes nothing!"

Playfully, they exchanged and unfolded each other's letters.

Naomi opened Leroy's and read aloud, "Congratulations, Leroy Jackson, on your acceptance to Blacksmith University! We can't wait to have you as part of our college community for the upcoming class of 2025. Baby, this is so exciting!! YOU MADE IT!! What did mine say?"

Leroy's expression turned serious as he said, "Um, baby, I don't know how to tell you this, but you didn't get in."

Naomi panicked, "What?!? Are you serious?"

Leroy grinned, "Congratulations, Naomi Garrison, on your acceptance to Arizona State University! We can't wait to have you as part of our college community for the upcoming class of 2025."

Naomi playfully hit Leroy and replied, "YOU PLAY TO MUCH!!"

They kissed each other, cheered, and then excitedly spread the news to their teachers that they had both been accepted. They couldn't wait to graduate from high school and start this new chapter of their lives together.

Meanwhile, back at Naomi's house, Michelle, her mother, noticed her daughter's journal lying on the bed. Curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist reading it. As she read through she noticed certain sentences stating "He resembles my father so much." And "The way he hugs me, kisses me, and makes me feel, it makes me feel joyful on the inside."

Michelle grew angry now that she knew her daughter's secret. Naomi came home after school and her mom was right there waiting for her on the couch.

Michelle confronted Naomi, "I'm only going to ask you this one time! And you better give me the truth or you can kiss everything goodbye."

Naomi, asked confused, "What did I do wrong?"

Michelle held up her journal and asked, "Who's this boy that resembles your father huh?"

Naomi, with a defensive tone, replied, "Mom, that's private! That was not meant for you or anybody else to read!"

Michelle asked, "Are you having sex?"

"WHAT?!? MAMA NO! Give me my journal."

Naomi tried to reach out and grab it then Michelle threatened, "If you come near me and try to take this journal I will personally backhand that rebellious demon out of you! Tell me who he is!"

"NOBODY!" Naomi yelled.

"Is it Ricky?" Michelle asked.

Naomi replied, "No! And I'm sick of you accusing me of things I'm not doing."

"ACCUSING??" Michelle exclaimed, "How can it be accusing if you WROTE IT in the journal."

"Mama nowhere in there am I talking about sex or Ricky!"

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