s1 e7: A Monster Is Among Us

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry they didn't come, Mr Dutton." I say, looking up at him and frown. "Don't be sorry, Livvy. It shows where they stand. Besides, I think I got the best date here." I smile full-teeth at him and l fluff my curled hair. I begged and begged daddy to curl my hair for the dinner cause I just had to look my best. I continue eating till I'm absolutely stuffed to the brim. I lean back in my chair and sigh. Mr Dutton does a double take, noticing that I ate everything on my plate, "Damn, Livvy. You're gonna pop if you eat another bite." I can't even laugh as I lay my head on my arms that were resting on the table. "I think I've died, Mr Dutton. Give Daddy my regards." I close my eyes, but hear him chuckle, "Just keep layin there, you'll feel settled in a minute."


I must've fell asleep cause next thing I know, Daddy is tucking me in to my side of his bed. I cuddle into his side as he sits next to where I'm laying. "Hey, darlin'. Have a fun time?" I nod, still half-asleep. "I saw a bear." He laughs, I guess thinking I'm lyin. "Ask Mr Dutton and he'll tell you." He rubs my head and stands up. He bends over and gives me a kiss on the head before walkin away.


John sits quietly in his living room, listening to the crackle of the fireplace. He hears his son walk into the house and start to go up the stairs. "You know what a fool I looked like when no member of my family is beside me at the dinner my office sponsors, besides Livvy. She was the only damn one who gave a shit."

Jaime waits to say something as he walks over to his father. "Well you know my campaign starts tomorrow-" "While I was in the room with the votes you should be campaigning for." Jaime scoffs at his dad, "We already have those votes." Mr Dutton takes a sip of his drink, "Don't bet on it."

Jaime becomes worried and cross his arms, "Well what happened?" "Don't know. Felt a shift."


I wake up, groaning into my pillow. Realizing what day it was, I bound out of bed, in my Christmas Pajamas daddy put me in last night. "DADDY! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" I barrel into the living room where Daddy was sittin, drinking his coffee. He quickly regains balance without spilling a drop. He puts down his cup and picks me up spinning. "My girl is 7 now! Whatchu want, baby?" I think about it for a minute before coming to a decision. "A horse. I wanna learn to ride with you, please" I give my best puppy dog eyes and he sighs. He sets me down on the countertop of the kitchen and he looks at me. "Would you promise to feed it, love it, take care of it every single day. Cause neither I nor the wranglers would take over the shit for it. Alright?" I nod and I slide off the counter. He grabs me before I could drop, "Quit doin' that shit, gonna give me a heart attack."

I quickly put on a pair of my boots and a jacket before running towards the bunkhouse. I stop before going in, seeing all the cowboys in the barn. I jump onto Ryan, who catches me. "I'M GETTIN A HORSE BOYS!" they all cheer for me, passing me around giving me birthday kisses on my cheek. "Look at the new cowgirl, boys! Before we know it, she'll be runnin us ragged and behind!" Lloyd tells everyone playfully. I nod being set back down on the ground. They get to work, but I'm so full of energy that I walk out towards the arenas and climb the rings. My mouth drops open when I see Miss Beth walk out with a horse actin like she was gonna ride it. She hasn't ridden since her momma died. I stay quiet as she mounts the horse, getting used to the feeling. She gets the horse to run, but the horse starts going too fast and she falls hard to the ground. I gasp and run over quickly.

She stares at me who is looking worried down at her as she tries to catch her breath. "Miss Beth? You just ate shit. Are you alright?" She nods, still trying to breathe, but puts my worries to a small ease. I see a shadow behind me and turn around to see the new guy, Walker. "Damn you got bucked right off-" My brain short circuits trying to understand what the hell he just said to us. "Repeat that in English, I don't speak dipshit." Beth responds to him. She sits up quickly, using my shoulder as an aid standing up. Before walking over to the horse, she leans down in my ear, "Happy Birthday, baby." I smile, grateful for her. She hops back on the horse, "You wanna run, motherfucker?" The horse takes this as a challenge and tries to buck her off. Walker and I stand in the middle of the arena watching this all take place. "She's one crazy bitch." Walker says to me. "If only you knew." I respond back to him.

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