s1 e1: Daybreak

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The crickets chirp and the breeze blows as the women crept silently alongside the gravel road. She glances down at the baby, only 5 months old, urging her to stay calm. The women knew of this ranch. The Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. She just never knew what kind of secrets were held behind the gates.

Pausing to catch her breath, she knelt beside the baby carrier she had sat down on the dirt. "I'm so sorry," she apologizes with tears in her eyes. "I didn't want this for you, but this-this gives you a chance." The woman continued her trek to the front door of the main house. She sat down the baby on the porch and tucked a letter within the blanket wrapping the young soul she was leaving behind. Walking away, she couldn't bear to glance back, knowing this was the only choice she had.


Before the sun has even woken up to rise, a man is sitting on his porch enjoying the cool morning breeze. He sits there smelling the dew that had settled in. Groaning, he stands up, putting on his cowboy hat, "Let's get to fucking work." He walks over the barn when he hears, "Rip! Get over here." He turns around to see his boss, the Yellowstone Ranch owner, John Dutton. Rip walks over, "Yessir? Something need done?" John glances around before settling in on Rip's face, "Get inside we need to talk." Rip slides past him, slipping off his hat. He goes to look around before seeing the baby carrier. "The fucks this?", he asks. John gives him a serious, yet curious look, "What do you mean 'The fucks this?' I don't know what the fuck this is. I was hoping you would have an answer."

Rip leans over to see the sleeping baby. He looks on the table beside the carrier and notices a letter with his name. He turns back to John , "For me?" John chuckles, "Well my name ain't Rip, so open the damn thing." Rip pauses for a moment before opening the letter.


Dear Rip,

I knew from the moment we met at the bar, you were going to b e trouble. I just didn't know this is what was gonna happen. This is your baby-


Rip stops reading aloud when he starts reading the third sentence. He looks up at John and glances down to the baby. He blows out a breath, muttering "Shit." "Keep reading", urges John.


This is your baby. She's only 5 months old, but I can't be the one to keep her. It wouldn't be right. I'm leaving Montana and this will be the only chance she has to live. I'm sorry to leave her like this. I'm sorry


Rip sets down the letter before slowly sitting down in the chair beside him. He shoots up out of the chair, "Sir-". John holds up his hand silencing him, "Sir nothing Rip. Are you kidding me? This is what happens when you slack from the ranch. Shit like this," He says motioning to the baby. "Rip you better figure out this damn thing." Rip slowly nods. The baby starts to stir slowly letting out small cries. Rip's eyes widened before shooting towards John. "What- What do I do?" He asks, beginning to become frantic. "Well considering she showed up during the night, I reckon she's hungry. Lift her up, I'll see if there is anything left in the carrier to give her." Rip inches towards the baby, slowly grabbing her. "Support her head, here like this." John carefully positions the baby in Rip's arms. Rip lets out little chuckles as the baby soothes down from his sways. John shuffles around the carrier before holding up a bottle full of powdered formula. "Smart thinking your woman had. Knew we'd need it," John said. "Sir I don't know what to do," Rip said honestly. John answered, "Well you either leave her in town for some family to find her or you make it work here."

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