- In my first pregnancy I didn't have any discomfort, yesterday when we arrived in Bath breakfast made me feel bad and today it was the same.

- don't worry, that's normal. There is no pregnancy the same as the other, unless you see blood in any stool, whether here - pointed to the mouth - or there - pointed to the butt - everything will be in order. As for the sex that I see you have been practicing without problems, you can continue, unless you see something abnormal.

The couple felt shy.

- Don't worry - the doctor smiled - it is very motivating that a couple of aristocrats love each other so much. Her treatment is going to be very gentle, just some vitamins and a diet to avoid morning sickness, but please do not bring your son back -

the couple looked at the doctor feeling insulted

- there are pretty sick people here and Lady Featherington may not have the defenses in her body, therefore -he point to Thomas- you understand what I mean.

- We won't bring him back - they said at the time.

- Well, Lord Featherington, Lady Featherington, we will waiting for you tomorrow at the same time. At the reception you can ask Ivonne for the list of allowed meals.


Sophie was tired of frustrating Eloise's plans every day, now she knew that Benedict hadn't paid her enough. The fifth Bridgerton had tried to distract her with the twins, saying that "my house" was burning.
When she found her way to the Crane mansion, she tried something new to escape every night, so Sophie had chosen to sleep next to Eloise, had boards nailed outside the bedroom window, and locked the door. Outside, she also tied a cord to the wrists of both of them. In short, she was driving her crazy.

"I don't understand, Eloise," Sophie said, tying the bow on her wrist. "Is it too tight?"

- No

- Well, I don't understand why you want to be alone with him, if you know what's going to happen, why don't you just get married and we'll all save ourselves this little game.

- I still don't know if I want to marry him

-Who are you trying to fool? Phillip is more than willing, the twins love you. How much more time will you need?

- I just want to talk to him alone.

- You always talk alone.

- You know it's not true, you are always with the chaperone maid.

- It would be just me, if you didn't try to run away with him every five minutes!

Eloise laughed.

- It has been fun; unlike an ordinary maid, you are knowledgeable.

Sophie rolled her eyes she knew what Eloise was going to say.

- Tell me Sophie, why does your past have to do with Benedict?

- I already told you that I met your brother a little over a month ago, when he saved me from an idiot lord with his friends.

- and I already told you that I didn't believe you, there is something else you don't want to say to me. Did you grow up in Kent? Did you know him in your childhood?

Sophie remembered her childhood, she would have loved to grow up with a friend like Benedict even like Eloise.

She shook her head.

- I grew up in the countryside, but it is very far from here.

- oh that's what you want me to believe.

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