Chapter 21

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The now married couple arrived at their wedding reception, apart from the family there were also a couple of their closest friends, including Penelope's dear cousin: Felicity and her husband Mr. Jones.

Seeing them, Colin felt panic, since that gentleman was Duke Williams's best friend, so he tightened his grip on Penelope's waist.
- Dear cousin! -Felicity greeted -it's nice to see you on this day, you see that I told you that it was going to happen -she whispered the last thing to her.

-You were right," Pen accepted, smiling.

-Have you heard anything from the Duke, Mr. Jones," Colin asked bluntly.

-Yes, he is still recovering from the shot that you brother gave him in the leg, I must add that I agree with the actions of the viscount, since the Duke's actions were out of place, but if the question is to know the intentions of My friend, I must tell you first of all that I disapproved such decisions and secondly, the Duke already understood that he must look for a wife elsewhere. He said that as soon as he recovers he will return to Scotland for that task. -Jones responded.

- Well - said Colin - if you'll excuse us, we must greet the other guests.

They gave quality time to everyone present, Colin had regretted having the reception at his house because he couldn't escape the guests so easily.Pen had thanked heaven that the guests were only people close to them, because she didn't want to meet undesirable people like Cressida Cowper.

She danced with Colin almost every dance, Pen had a glass of wine, but it went to her mind very quickly because there was no food on her stomach at all since breakfast, her now husband noticed and served her the food, partly because he wanted her in her five senses and with energy for later, but also worried because he didn't want to see her stumble.

After a couple of hours, all the guests had already left, so Colin took Pen's hand and led her to their room. Right after he closed the door.Pen saw yellow rose petals on the bed and blue flowers decorating the room when they entered.

-Oh Colin, it's beautiful, Pen said excitedly.

- I told you I wanted to make it unique - he had a box in his hands.

-what's that? Pen asked.

-I asked one of the servants to wind it up until it no longer worked. He put the little box on the table and soft classical music began to play.

Colin approached without further and kissed her; had waited so long for that moment that he didn't want to rush. softly, drawing circles on Pen's back with his right hand and with his left gently held her by the back of her neck to bring her as close as possible to him. Ten seconds were enough for it to be stiff and throbbing. He went down to her neck, heard her moan, turned her around so he could take off her dress, saw the beautiful braid made in her hair, decided that it was best to take it off, gently pushed her towards the hairdresser, he removed each braid and each hairpin hair, until it was loose, leaving beautiful waves in its wake.

When he looked at her, hadn't noticed that Penelope was looking at him from the mirror above the dresser, he smiled at the reflection, kissed her neck once more, Pen leaned back to give him more access.

-No my love, I want you to look at what I'm doing to you, look at us in the mirror- he ordered.

Penelope stood up and watched as Colin took off her dress, being careful not to hurt her. felt the dress fall to her feet when he finally took off her corset. She got out of it and threw it away with her foot. She only had her socks. looked back at her reflection.Colin began to kiss her where it was red from the pressure of the corset, he went up until rested his jaw on Pen's shoulder, with his hands he took each of her breasts and began to massage them, began to bite her ear. She tried to look, but the pain or the delicious sensations wouldn't let her, every time Pen looked at herself in the reflection felt incredible excitement, not only for Colin, but because she felt beautiful, adored, desired.

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