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I follow Sydney into the kitchen upon arriving at the cabin to assist her in preparing sandwiches and drinks for everyone. I can sense that she has something to discuss with me, although I am unsure of what it could be. Therefore, when she confronts me about Rock, I am taken aback. "Damn it, River, give Rock a chance to be a good boyfriend to you, despite his past mistakes. Be open-minded and don't wait for something negative to occur."
      I know she is right. I haven't been giving this relationship a fair chance. I have been guarded the entire time, and I need to allow Rock the opportunity to prove himself. However, aside from Sydney, no one else in my life has given me a reason to trust. "Okay, you're right, Syd. I will make more of an effort with Rock. I can see that he is genuinely trying to be a good boyfriend, so I need to be a better girlfriend."
    "That's the spirit, alright? Let's gather everyone for lunch. He will ask you what you want to do today. Tell him you want to go hiking. That way, you'll have more time to spend with him."
     We continue hiking in the woods, and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. Throughout the trip, Rock has stayed by my side, never leaving me. Feeling a surge of courage, I decide to do something I've never done before. I reach out and hold his hand, and he intertwines his fingers with mine. As we walk, I lean over and kiss him, and we continue our journey.
    Eventually, Rock leads us to a beautiful mountaintop. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me close, remarking on the breathtaking view. It feels incredible to have him hold me like this, reminiscent of how he used to be when we were younger. It's as if I have my old friend back, just in a more mature form.
   "Rock, can we stay here forever?" I ask, longing for this moment to last.
"Anything for you, Riv," he replies, leaning down to kiss my shoulder. In that moment, I realize that I'm ready to give my all to him. "Rock, can we go back to the house before everyone else gets there?"
  "Sure, Riv. Is everything okay?" he asks, concerned.
   I simply smile up at him, and he understands what I mean. "Oh, shit, Riv, let's go now," he exclaims, grabbing my wrist and pulling me along. I'm giggling uncontrollably, unable to ask him to slow down. I stumble a few times, which only makes me laugh even harder. We make it back to the cabin in no time, but I start feeling nervous. "Am I doing the right thing? What if I don't want to go further? Will Rock be mad at me? Will he think I was teasing him?" These thoughts race through my mind, and Rock senses that something is off. He turns to look at me.
    "Wow, baby, we don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable yet. I understand... it was a spur of the moment decision. But I'm all for making out for a little while," Rock says, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. I smile at him, realizing how much he has changed. I walk into his arms and kiss him.
   "Thank you for being so understanding," I whisper.
"Anytime, little River, anytime." Rock says, and I leads us to the bedroom. Rock looks confused and asks, "What are you doing, Riv?" I reply, "I think we can make out for a little bit and see where it leads, don't you?" Rock enthusiastically responds, "Fuck yeah, I do," and leads us onto the bed. He lays me down and then lays down beside me.
      "How did I get to work? We were at the cabin?" I asked, confused. My manager, Mr. Gyro, yelled at me to run out the back door, but I didn't understand why. "Run, girl, before he comes in here shooting," someone warned me. I panicked as I saw people falling around me. I tried to help a woman, but it was too late - she was shot. I turned to run, only to come face to face with the shooter. "Say hello to your maker, you little bitch," he sneered.
    Suddenly, I woke up in a cold sweat. Someone was calling my name, trying to wake me up from the nightmare. It was Rock, my partner. "River, wake up baby, it's just a horrible dream," he said, comforting me. I sat up in bed, still shaken by the vividness of the dream. I had to check my chest to make sure I wasn't actually shot. "Do you have these dreams a lot since the shooting?" Rock asked, concerned.
    I nodded. "Yes, almost every night. But this one felt so real. When he shot me, I could feel myself dying."
   Rock sighed, worried for me. "Fuck, baby. What can I do to help you through this?"
I pushed him back down and lay on his chest. Rock gently rubs his hand up and down my back, providing comfort. I gaze into his eyes and slowly move closer to his face. I lean in and kiss him passionately. We continue kissing for a while until Rock shifts our position, hovering over me. He then leans down and playfully nips my bottom lip before trailing kisses down to my jaw. I tilt my head back, granting him better access to my neck, and he takes full advantage of it. Meanwhile, Rock's hand ventures further down my body. As his hand hovers just above my shirt, he slips it underneath and caresses my breast. The sensation is so pleasurable that I arch my back in response. I can feel Rock smiling against my neck. "Should I keep going?" he asks, seeking my consent. I nod eagerly, and he continues to touch my breast while moving his hand towards my intimate area. When his hand slips into my shorts, he quickly finds my most sensitive spot. The pleasure is overwhelming, and I can't help but moan. "Rock," I moan breathlessly. "Do you like that, baby?" he asks, his voice filled with desire. I bite my lower lip in response. "Rock, I think I want more," I whisper, my desire growing. "Are you sure?" Rock asks, wanting to ensure my consent. I nod my head, unable to find the words to express my readiness. This weekend with Rock has been incredible, and I feel ready to take our relationship to the next level. So why not start now? Rock removes my shirt and kisses his way down to my shorts. He takes them off and resumes kissing the area where his fingers were just moments ago, eliciting more moans from me. While pleasuring me, Rock undresses himself. I feel a tingling sensation building up, and I can't help but cry out his name. Rock climbs back up my body and kisses me, and I can taste myself on his lips. It's a new sensation, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it, but there's also something undeniably arousing about it. "River, I'm going to put on a condom and then I'm going to make love to you. Are you ready for that?"
"Yes," I tell him, and this time I really mean it. I'm ready for him to make love to me. As he hovers over me, I push my pelvis up to meet him. He slowly enters me, and I can feel myself stretch for him. It hurts at first, but the longer he is inside me, the better it feels. "Ah, baby, you feel so fucking good," Rock says, pushing inside me further. He makes love to me for so long that I have two orgasms, and then he wants to go again. I have so many more now that I'm so sleepy I could probably sleep for weeks.
    We fall asleep sometime early in the morning because it's 10 am when someone knocks on our door, letting us know everyone is ready to get a bite to eat and head home. Ugh, I'm not ready to go back to real life.
   I get up and head out to the living area and wait for Rock to get out of the shower. Once he is out and we have all our things packed in the jeep, we all go back into the cabin and make sure everything is cleaned up. Once that task is done, we all head out to the vehicles and head home. Once we get home, Abe runs up to me, giving me the biggest hug. "Wow, little man, did you miss me?" I ask him. "Yes, now are you ready to watch the movies you promised we would watch when you got home?" I laugh at him. "Can I put my stuff up first?" I ask him.
   "Ugh, I guess," Abe complains. "Alright, sport, give River some breathing room," Rock tells Abe, taking him by the head and pulling him in for a hug.
     I was about to climb the stairs when I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who it could be since my mom and Gab were at work and we had just arrived home, so everyone thought we were gone. I walked to the door and opened it to find two uniformed officers standing there. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked them.
    "Yes, is James Martinez home?" one of the officers asked. "What is this about?" I inquired. "He is needed downtown for questioning in the murder of Jim Darby," the officer replied.
    I felt like I had been punched in the gut. "I'm sorry, did you say Jim Darby?" I asked in disbelief.
   "I'm sorry. Who is he to you?" the officer asked. "He's my father. Did you not realize you were coming to the Darby residence?" I responded. "I apologize, ma'am. I didn't realize you were not informed of your father's passing, but I still need to speak with James Martinez."
   "River, who is it, babe?" Rock asked, coming around the corner. "Oh, hey guys, what can we do for you?" Rock asked the officers. "Are you James Martinez?" the officer asked Rock. "Yes, sir, I am. What can I do for you?"
   "James Martinez, you are under arrest for the murder of Jim Darby," the officer said, grabbing Rock by the arm and leading him out of the house. "Hey, you can't do that without his mother present," I told the officer, but he just looked at me and took Rock away to his patrol car. I immediately called Gab.
   "Hello, River, how was your trip, dear?" Gab answered the phone. "Gab, please go directly to the police station. Officers arrested Rock for my dad's murder. Gab, did you and mom know Jim was dead?"
    "River, what are you talking about? Jim was just at the house yesterday, yelling at Sharon again about the house being his bla, bla."
    "I don't know, Gab, but you need to get to the police station. I'm heading there right now."

Author Note: The book is almost over, let me know what you think so far.

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