Chapter 1

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First chapter of the sequel! ;) Enjoy!


*Two months later*

Maddy’s POV

                I didn’t even flinch when the door opened, the light piercing the darkness and blinding me for a moment. I just sat there when my father stumbled into the room, drunk yet again, and jerked me off of the floor. I hung there, limp, and stared blankly at nothing. He smacked me across the face hard enough to make my head snap to the side but I didn’t feel the pain. I don’t feel anything anymore.

                He didn’t even need to rip my clothes off this time because I didn’t bother putting any back on after the last time he came in here…however long ago that was. I don’t know how long I’ve been here, if it’s night or day, what’s happening, if Justin is still looking for me, nothing. Whatever my father gave me has made it to where I can’t contact Justin at all.

                Laying there like a rag doll as he did what he wanted, I waited for him to be done. When he was, he put his belt back on and kicked me in the back, hard. Again, I didn’t feel a thing. I’m just numb. I still hope and pray that Justin will find me and take me back to the pack house… but the longer I stay here, the more I doubt that he’ll ever find me.

                I have no idea where we are, just that it’s far, far away from Justin’s pack and everyone that I love. When he first brought me here I fought him when he tried to touch me, but then I slowly lost my strength as he started up his old ways of beating and starving me. He uses me to pleasure himself and makes me cook for him, only letting me eat maybe a tiny bit every other day.

                I don’t know what I look like and honestly, I don’t want to. It’s probably not a pretty sight. My wolf stopped talking to me and kind of… I don’t know how to explain it. She’s still there, but she’s… sleeping I guess you could say. Like when you leave your computer on for a while and it eventually shuts down but it's not off, like that. Sleep-mode.

                He finally left the room and I just stayed on the floor where he threw me, staring into space. I promised myself and Justin that I would get myself out of here and back to him and, believe me, when I still had my strength, I tried. I tried everything that I could think of but none of it worked and I always got punished severely afterwards. Now if I tried anything; I probably wouldn’t make it through the punishment.

                I’m too weak right now; my body can barely handle the kicks and slaps that I receive now, let alone the punishments for when I try to escape.


Justin’s POV

I ran my hands roughly through my hair, growling and clenching my teeth but feeling hopeless all at the same time. Two months. Maddy has been gone for two fucking months and we still have no idea where she is. I haven’t been eating or sleeping right, maybe sleeping for an hour and then waking up, going on a run and trying to figure out where he could have taken her.

                “God fucking dammit!” I yelled, punching the wall with so much force that it left yet another hole, this one bigger than the rest. My dad sighed and bent over the papers in front of him, his tired eyes scanning the words over and over. He’s gotten about as much sleep as me, maybe a little more. Maddy is his daughter in law; her being gone has taken a huge toll on not only us and Mom, but the entire pack as well.

                It affected me the most though, because she’s my mate. I can’t talk to her or feel any of her emotions for some reason, which terrified me at first but then I realized that she has to still be alive or it would have felt like I was stabbed a million times and then someone just ripped my heart right out of my chest.

                I dropped down onto the couch, burying my face in my hands and pulling on my overgrown hair. I’m in serious need of a shower but I don’t care; my sweet, innocent little angel is gone and that fucking bastard is doing who knows what to her. Who gives a shit if I’m clean and eating or sleeping right? I sure as hell don’t. I won’t give a shit until she’s safe and in my arms again. That’s all that matters to me.

                Sighing, I lifted my head out of my hands and got up, walking over to where Dad is sitting in the chair behind his desk.

                “Dad, I can look over this stuff. You need to go to bed; it’s already four o’clock in the morning.” He raised his head and stared at me, looking like he was about to argue. I shook my head and held up a hand.

                “No; I don’t want to hear it. You’ve been in here looking over this stuff for almost five hours straight. Go to bed.” He looked at me for a bit longer before finally giving in and sighing, standing up. I hugged him goodnight and then he went to his and Mom’s room. Taking his place in the chair, I looked at the same papers that I’ve reread a thousand times.

                We don’t know anything other than that they’re really far away from here. I wanted to go find her but Mom and Dad said that it would be dangerous for me and the pack. I can feel Dad’s authority slowly transferring from him to me. Normally they have a ritual to pass it down to the new Alpha and his mate all at once but since we didn’t have that, the authority automatically started to transfer, slowly, but it’s still transferring. This can only happen if the Alpha is willing to give their title to someone; this is so it doesn’t get passed into the wrong hands.

                I know that Maddy isn’t here, but I’m hoping that she’s receiving it from my mom; it might give her a chance to get away from her father. If she gets the powers then she’ll be stronger and faster than she was before. Even if she did manage to get away; I don’t know if she would be able to find her way back here. If she did, how many rogues and other werewolves would try to hurt or kidnap her along the way? A lot.


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