New Life

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I opened the door to my new apartment. It was perfect .

It had 3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms, a living room and kitchen/ dinning room area.

I went to my room and set down all my stuff.

I went to the baby's room and set down some of it stuff. I know I shouldn't keep a child from it father .

It's that Mitch doesn't care . He didn't care when Matt toke us . He didn't go and save us. Scott went.

I kept getting messages and tweets. I decided to read them before I get a new phone.

I looked and it said 10 messages from Mitch .

I looked at the last one .

"Please don't forget me"

I looked at my tweets . One said .

"@kirstintaylor12 why did you leave Mitch "

"@kirstintaylor12 I guess Pentatonix is over and so is your relationship with Mitch "

"@kirstintaylor12 think about the baby "

I turned of my phone . I can't have people tell me about the decisions I make.

I got a new phone . I got an Instagram and Facebook under a different name.

I look down at my stomach. My little angel is growing . Soon I'll find out what gender it is .

Having this baby will only remind me of Mitch . Especially if it's a boy .

I'm only 3 months . I decided to make myself some dinner . Well not just me but the baby .

I go on YouTube to see some videos and find one that's recommended .

It's titled : Pentatonix Break up .

I clicked on it and saw it .
Video .

"So we all know the huge famous acapella band Pentatonix , they just broke up , the only girl in the band Kirstie Maldonado left , they say that she is pregnant with her boyfriend or ex boyfriend Mitch Grassi baby , after he had his memory lost she lost it.

The band member Mitch says that it's best to not talk about it because it's hard for him to know that he might or will never see his little baby again.

On another note they still will be releasing the last few music videos they have done .

All we can say is goodbye Pentatonix and hope the rest of your lives are great . Goodbye "

Video end .

I hope my life is great .

"It's just me and you " I said touching my belly .

I felt a tear come down my cheeks.

"What do I do " i said . I got on my phone and after . I got a request from a guy on Instagram. His name is Jeremy .

He's actually read cute . I accepted it .

I only had a picture of my new apartment.

Why do I have a feeling something's going to turn out wrong in the future.

It feels like it has to do between a relationship.

It's not mine and Mitch but something else .


Ok so this story is turning out different than expected but I love the new idea I got .

Ok so what relationship will turn out wrong . The relationship will be good at first but then go down hill.

I also want you to tell me what gender you want the baby to be . It going to only be one . Not twins or more .

Love you ❤️❤️❤️

Don't forget me(Mirstie ) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now