That Fateful Day...

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All typos and mistakes are intentionally
Sigh another day, another lobe less experience at skhool. The leeves are falling outside that wimdow of my Flintstones car. My emerald-babygirl colored orbs reflected the ornge sunruse out of the ice windows cus it's a Flintstone car. I was being silly and didn't notice I was at school for 5 minutes. Once I noticed, I was so lonely at skhool cus I'm not like Abby Wireawk. She's so much coler then I am. She's friends with poplar kids like Ryan and Kai and Cody. I'm just not like the other girls. I'm not... even a gorl! Im...just different... anyways, I went to class 107, called ''how to bbg 101''. I needed this class if I was gona fined lobe. As I opened the door. I ran into a wall. Then o remembered. WALLS DONT WEAR HOODIES!!!!!
a/n: cliffhanger.

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