He took to ignore the disturbingly silent steps of his starry friend before glancing behind him. He could see James singing with Ana on his back, moving his head in directions to puppet him around.

"Why? He seems pretty happy." Remus looked down to the cranky Sirius.

Sirius looked at James and Anastasia dismissively. "Yes, but haven't you noticed?"

"Noticed what has he gone back to listening to only Abba again?" Remus slowed his casual pace so Sirius wasn't owly skipping to keep up.

"No!" Sirius crossed his arms at Remus' joke.

His eyes gasped as if adding another item to his grocery list just before leaving. "Actually, he has been listening to these French children's instrumental pieces. I don't even know how he found them."

Remus cringes. "French children have own instrumental pieces?"

"No! Its like.. twinkle twinkle little star but French ones. Walburga used to put them on when I was little." Sirius explained quickly, rushing to move on. Remus fought to imagine James listening to that.

"But not that... well, that's probably part of it..... Lily" Sirius stepped in front of Remus to get his attention.

"Lily?" Remus turned to look at her, barely spotting her ginger hair she was yelling at Marlene and Peter not to hit her as they played toss.

She seems normal.

Sirius nodded, walking backward in front of Remus. "Haven't you noticed he hasn't gone on a single fit after seeing her do something so beautiful since hell winter break? I mean, usually there are at least bi-monthly dévotions d'amour. But nothing."

"Oh" Remus felt a little stupid. How hadn't he noticed the lack of James vexing bursts of trifling love?

He shrugged it off. "Well, isn't that a good thing?"

"Nooo!" Sirius denied, almost tripping as they met the more pebbly path close to the house. Remus pulled him straight by his forearm and around to walk side by side again.

Sirius continued his theories unphased. "Prongs is a man who needs to be in love and if he's finally gotten over Lily, that means he's gunning over someone else." 

Remus rolled his eyes. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing except for the fact he hasn't told me who."

They reached the shed Remus unlatched the hook, opening the lid before turning to the fractious friend. "Maybe it's cuz he doesn't like anyone, so there's nothing to tell."

"No, I know it's true we live in the same house now. You know he's been writing letters. Every day! To someone, well, he doesn't get any back so first I thought it was Lily, but I asked her." Sirius moved to crouch in front of Remus grabbing stacks of wood, trying to get in his eyesight to see his very urgent eyes.

Remus jarred. "You asked her?"

"Yes, but she said no." Sirius was unapologetic. Remus paused, intrigued, but- "I'm not convinced."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "I wasn't either, but I didn't tell you this. In January till break, James would sneak out basically every night."

Remus paused at this, finally looking at Sirius. "What?! no I would have known."

"No, you wouldn't you sleep like a rock as long as you have socks on and your shirt off, you could probably sleep through this war." Sirius stood up with Remus as he closed the door of the box.

Remus huffed like a horse.

Playing into it but finding it hard to believe the ever honest James Potter would be seeing someone every night and not telling them. "Well then, where did it say he was, on the map?"

Seven (R.L)Where stories live. Discover now