"It was okay, Nicholas stresses me out" he admits with a small chuckle, causing me to mimic his actions.

"When doesn't he?" Joking back as I sit up slightly in my spot, lowering my feet from the railing they have been spread across and settling them down onto my chair as I hug them to my chest.

"That's true. He's just bugging out about restarting tour" he admits

"Have you guys decided when?" The words burn as the questions comes up and falls from my lips. I don't want to know when he's leaving, I'll anticipate the date so much that it will drive me insane and make me miserable. Subconsciously counting down the limited time that inevitably has to come to an end.

"A week from today" it comes out flat when he finally speaks, the smile falling from his face.

I feel my heart sinking in my chest at the realization that we are now on a time clock, and In seven short days he will be gone. And despite my best intentions to stay positive, to look at things from a different perspective, I can't help but feel like this will be our final time we say goodbye.


A few days later

"Blair, the the fuck is taking so long?" Mel all but yells from the other end of the phone. I try to hold back my laughter, she's quite amusing when she's hostile.

"I'm literally locking my car as we speak" I assure, jamming my key into my drivers door to switch the locks on.

I can hear her sigh in relief, her nerves finally settling a bit. I've spent the morning getting ready for the interview her and Eli set up for me at this club. I wasn't sure what was considered appropriate for an interview, I haven't been to a proper one in god only knows how long, let alone one at a high end club. It took what I can only imagine being hours to finally decide on something to wear. Which only consisted of a simple black sundress. I wasn't running short on time by any means, Mellie just happens to be a chronic worrier and panic soon set in when I wasn't at least twenty minutes early.

"Okay well hurry. I'm nervous and I know Jay is most likely going to hire you as soon as he sees how hot you are" she's babbling, it's what she does when the nerves become overwhelming.

"And to think he wanted me for my brains" I joke, rolling my eyes as I take a sharp turn around a building that hugs the curb of a sidewalk. I can see the club in the distance, it's tall and made of strong red bricks that tower up at least three stories.

"You didn't tell me how huge this place is" I whisper yell through the phone as I make my way towards it.

"Well, babes, it's a club in Vegas. Of course it's fucking huge" she has humor in her voice as she speaks and It doesn't help the bundle of nerves that are quickly beginning to form in me.

"Yeah, I've just never done this before and I'm even more nervous now that I see how fucking huge it is. Why didn't you tell me is was this fucking big? What if I can't handle it? Then what?" Now I am the one who is babbling, which earns me a small laugh from Mel.

"Blair, calm down. It's like all those times Eli would get overwhelmed on a solo shift at Cynic. Most people just want shooters anyway. It's not as hard as it seems and you catch on quickly. You will be fine" by the time her small pep talk is done I am approaching the glass double doors of the building. It's dark inside, but small strobe lights flash in the distance, making the walls light up with blue and purple hues. It's only half past five on a Thursday evening, I can't imagine it being very busy. But then again, it is Vegas.

"I'm here" I say before hanging up.

Taking a deep breath, I hold it for a moment. Telling myself it's all going to be okay. There's no need to be nervous. I got this. As I exhale I bring my hand up to push open the door, it squeaks slightly when I do so but the sound is soon drowned out by the small rattle of house music that plays through the speakers. It's not loud, but it makes my ears buzz slightly as I walk towards the source. Just beyond a small pathway that sits between the front doors and the dance floor is a large open space, a medium sized stage against a wall that sits further in the back. The second story overlooks the, for now, empty stone floors. Its filled with luxurious leather sofas and chairs, bar height tables nestled in the middle of a few groups of them. There's at least one more floor that mimics almost the exact same design. I stand there for a moment, my hands coming up to sit on my hips as I scan the room for the bar and my friends. It's huge, with an oddly modern structure making it almost impossible to see the entirety of the empty space all at once. I would be lying if i said it wasn't overwhelming, but I don't think that word quite applies to how I am feeling. It's not exactly the job that plagues me with anxiety, although that doesn't ease help ease it either. But interacting with people has never really been my strongest attribute. When I worked at Cynic I didn't have a lot of interaction with the patrons that frequented and when I did, conversation was the last thing on their drunken mind. My outside clients where a bit different too, I wasn't really myself. I was the woman they paid me to be, which seemed to be a lot less stressful than being true to myself. And when I was working with Angel in LA, she did most of the talking. She was a chatty girl.

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