✎ nineteen

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"y/n! you made it!" i set my sports bag down on the locker room bench, as himeko entered, greeting me kindly. "you ready for today?"

"well," i thought back to jing yuan, for some odd reason. "im as ready as i can be, i guess." i chuckled. i quickly slipped on my skates and tied my hair up.

"im so excited to see you skate again. you know, everyone here looks up to you still." the words she said lifted my mood as i stood up and followed her out of the locker room and onto the ice.

the minute i stepped onto the rink, it was like stepping back home. the ice felt more comfortable than walking on regular ground. i glided carefully, not wanting to jump directly into anything. himeko watched, and i swear she started tearing up.

"wow." i murmured, testing out a couple spins i used to perform. they were slightly shaky, but doable nonetheless. i felt ever so joyous just doing what i wanted, sliding across the ice rink, feeling free. "this is amazing"

"arent you glad you came back?" her voice was light, slightly muffled due to how focused i was. i only nodded in reply, continuing to glide around.

"y/n!" mr yangs voice brought me out of the trance. "it looks like you're having fun."

"oh, yes, ive missed this so much." i chuckled, leaning on the wall of the rink to chat with the two. "thank you, mr yang, for not giving up."

"of course, y/n. i should be thanking you though. we're so lucky to have you back competing. speaking of which, there's about two months until winter olympic tryouts. do you think you'll be ready by then?"

"yes, i think so, mr yang." himeko's eyes lit up excitedly. i wasn't completely confident in my answer, but i knew there was a chance. i wanted this.

"good, good! this is it, himeko. let's take this last chance we have with y/n, and send her off well." i rolled my eyes at his dramatics, a smile slipping out anyway.

"im so glad im back." i whispered, looking back at the rink. "i cant believe i ever quit."

"thats not your fault though, y/n. it was the age restriction." mr yang commented. "but you're back now."

"oh aeons.. what am i going to tell my boss?" the realization set in. even though he was a little clueless, he wasnt a complete idiot. sure he hasn't figured it out yet, but now that i was back, he ought to find out soon. i shivered at the mere thought of it.

"how does he not know? i mean, you'll have to tell him eventually!" himeko replied incredulously. i shrugged, myself wondering as well how id gotten away with it.

"all i say," mr yang interrupted. "is that you should tell him as soon as possible. we don't want any conflicts with your work schedule, and the sooner he knows, the sooner we can plan out which competitions you'll attend."

"alright, mr yang." i pondered to myself, thinking of different ways to be able to tell him. "ill do it soon."

"good, now, lets continue. i want you, to the best of your abilities, perform helio." my jaw dropped, remembering my former show.

"mr yang, i dont know if-"

"it doesn't have to be accurate, y/n, i just want to see the basis of it." himeko switched on the music, while i skated towards the center of the rink.

the music began, and immediately, i felt myself shut my eyes and let my body do the rest of the work. the choreography was fuzzy, but it seemed as if all my skills were still intact.

quad axel into a triple toe loop, sit spin to the rhythm. triple lutz to a double salchow, and so much more. i was in the moment, almost as if i was back to my former self.

when the routine was over, i opened my eyes and saw the two, eyes widened, mr yangs hand covering his mouth.

"that was beautiful, y/n." himeko whispered, in awe. "you really are the best, aren't you." her comment made my cheeks turn pink, as i shook my head rapidly.

"far from it! that was my first time running helio for ten years basically!"

"y/n." mr yang placed his hand on my shoulder. "you're a damn legend, i swear."

"this isnt even the hard part." i grinned. "i need to tell my boss now."

a/n: ngl this chapter was so out of place and i didnt rly kno how to weite it !!

flirting with professionalism | jing yuan [hsr]Where stories live. Discover now