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Liam is pacing around the hotel trying to figure out what to do. His pacing is so quick along with his breath. A murder just happened and he has no idea on how to cover it up without getting sued. He keeps mumbling to himself and drinking the dragon breath drink Blaire made for him just to realize there was zero alcohol (he forgot she was a minor and legally can't give out alcohol).

"Dang it Blaire why do you have to be a minor. Maybe Matt would be able to give me something. Now where is he.."

Liam decides to start walking around and bumps into Matt (convenient) and doesn't even question why he wasn't at his post. While talking with Matt he hears a distant conversation and immediately recognizes Blaire's voice. "What on earth is she doing not at the bar? I knew I shouldn't have hired her but I needed employees and it seems like customers enjoy her presence..i think" he mumbles to himself. "Why are you talking to yourself when I'm standing right here?" Matt says, a little offended that Liam is talking to himself and not him. "What? Oh nothing. Hey do you have any special drinks?" Liam asks trying to change the subject and in desperate need of something to drink. Matt passes him one of his banana drinks and as Liam drinks it he immediately recognizes the rum inside of it, perfect. He excuses himself and immediately tells Matt to go back to his post (literally why is the chef outside and not in the kitchen).

Walking the unnecessary amount of stairs, he leans over and sees Blaire staring at a wall. "this girl.." he mumbles to himself in disbelief that he hired her yet refuses to fire her. As he turns around he accidentally bumps into someone and sees it's a visitor (uh oh). To make sure his image isn't ruined he introduces himself and tells her that he's the hotel owner. Y/N starts stumbling on their words and immediately runs off, oops. Liam thinks to himself "There's no way I was that drunk to scare off a visitor." He smells himself thinking maybe it was his body odor...yeah it might have been that. He walks down the stairs and asks Blaire why she wasn't at the post and was in the main lobby.

"PRETTY WOMAN!!" Blaire exclaims and just runs out to her post. "that girl is so extremely peculiar and just so weird..maybe i should send her to get therapy" Liam says out loud as he watches Blaire run out to her post, tripping over every single thing in her path. 


author's note: yeah i think i've come to the conclusion that this is one of my best works and i will be writing this fanfic whenever im drained and extremely tired. Hope you enjoyed and PLEASE check out Perfidious Hotel on youtube under CursedPugFilms (you should also subscribe to him, i'm in his cast hehe)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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