I : Where am I?

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You had recently bought a new VR headset, deciding to finally put it on, you connected it to your pc, booted up a game and set the VR headset on, but, you found yourself in a circus, surrounded by a purple rabbit with pink overalls, some random floating mouth, a doll, someone who seemed to be made out of blocks, a chess piece, a short clown and- a piece of ribbons with a mask-?

"W-where am I!?"

You asked in a panicked tone, seemingly scared of where you might be as you had never seen this place before, you didn't recognize anyone you saw, and you suddenly couldn't remember anything before you put the headset on

“Calm down! We assure you, we mean no harm!”

Said the doll, you were slightly less panicked, but, you still wanted to get out of there

"How do I.. Uhm.. Get out of here..?"

You asked

“you can't!”

Said the purple rabbit with a smirk on his face, you seemed shocked

"What do you mean, I can't..?"

You asked, fear in your voice

“we've been stuck here for years! Kinger over there has supposedly been here the longest!”

Said the purple rabbit as he pointed to Kinger

“did somebody say something about an insect collection?”

The purple rabbit laughed

“that's why he's craAzYy!”

You seemed concerned, and yet, you still wanted out, you tried to pull the headset off

“keep pulling at it, that worked for all of us.”

Said the purple rabbit in a sarcastic tone, followed by a slight chuckle

“there is no way to leave, kid, so, I don't recommend even trying, I mean, If there was a way to leave I'm pretty sure we would have all left by now”

The purple rabbit laughed

“I'm Jax, by the way”

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