the war against nature

Start from the beginning

the others glanced around in confusion.

"who is he talking to..."

jaemin shrugged "i have no idea but doesn't anyone else have the urge to get a guitar and bust a song on the streets with a furry companion."

yangyang flashed him a dirty look as if he was a crazy man. "i wholeheartedly agree with you, my fellow comrade."

with a venomous eye roll, renjun threw his napkin onto the table before exiting the table.

"wait renjun where are you going!" the girl called out to him, watching him storm away in his well-fitted suit.

"leave him be." her best friend grumbled "he doesn't want to be our friend and i just couldn't care less."

"yeah screw him." yangyang agreed, falling silent for a brief moment. "is this round table talking in prophecies or am i hearing this by my lonesome?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

the table fell silent after renjun's storm out and especially after yangs weird rambles. no one was willing to talk to each other but they couldn't afford to leave since they had already ordered their food. everyone apart from yangyang of course who was still attempting to chat up yubin.

he shifted the thousand-dollar chair closer to the girl. the luxurious smell of his cologne surrounding her, forcing them closer together.

"my maiden, what are your thoughts upon men who are to inherit a million doubloon company?" he flashed his cute smile and winked with his slightly reddening eyes.

"umm pretty cool i guess."

this guy is so fucking high she thought to herself

"wonderful, what about men who are not able to slay a spider? not because he cowers before them, it is because he believes every life is precious."

"sorry for the wait, here is your ordered dish." the waiter approached with their arms covered with a variety of plates. with a closer look, there didn't seem to be a single vegetable in sight.

"i see someone has ordered a roast lamb with mint sauce, chicken cordon bleu, oyster rockefeller and lobster thermidor," they informed.

"yes that would be me." yangyang rubbed his hands, excited to eat.

yubin glanced at her best friend, sharing a look. "every life is important huh."

"he can't be serious."

"yubin say aaaah." yangyang turned to his crush, waving his hand which held a spoon full of food. "here comes the horse and carriage!"

yubin watched as the spoon approached closer, meandering in every direction. she had never felt so terrified and she was lost and alone in a forest before.

"i'm worried about renjun!" she shot up abruptly, the chair slowly falling to the ground. "i should go check up on him."

"no, no, a lady should never check." yangyang placed his spoon down. "i shall go check for you madam."

he held his hand out in front of jaemin.

"would you accompany me, fellow gentleman?"


"as you wish! i shall commence the retrieval of whatever his last name is, renjun!" he announced way too loudly, earning questionable glances from other customers.

yubin buried her head in her hands praying for the ground to swallow her up.

"my lady i shall return to you, alive and ready to ask for your hand in marria–

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