Ch-6 Past & Lost Love

Start from the beginning

Blake: "Izuku!" call out his name and Izuku yell to sky and fire spread all around the city.

In city, Juane and Sillies are trap by nightmare vine coming to them but light shine on Jaune body, Jaune look up see a ghost person protecting them and making the vine go away near from Jaune. Jaune look closer to person and see a neckless inside of that person.

Jaune: "N-No way."

With Izuku and others

Weiss wake up and summon a portal to ruby in her dream making appear infront of her. Weiss asking what going on while Ruby hug her and cry in happy both snap out by Yang/Blake call out to them. 

Both look infront and see Izuku in his monster form.

Ruby: "W-Who is that?" ask in very afraid.

Yang: "That's Izuku who possess by Grimm."

Weiss: "WHAT!" Ruby get up and ready to fight

Izuku: "All For one, you still here." see weiss as AFO "I KILL YOU, I KILL YOU!" 

Monster roar was heard and they look down see all monster climb up to them. Weiss come to her own conclusion making other girls look at her deadpan. They now surround by monster and ready to fight.

Ruby: "Arm...Girls, do you have a plan for getting us out?"

Yang/Weiss: "Nope."

Ruby mutter: "I hate you."

Blake: "Girls look." pointed infront of them and see all monster not moving even Izuku too. "Why are they not attacking us?"

Yang: "Maybe..." look to blake "Blake give a neckless to Weiss."

Weiss: "Neckless? What are you..." interrupted by blake put a neckless around her and look back to see monsters moving back away and gone from them, while Izuku jump off building to building while yelling at AFO name.

Weiss: "What's that about?"

Ruby: "And who is all for one?"

Yang: "I don't know but I know what this neckless do." show them a open neckless. Weiss and Ruby eyes wide and look at their neckless and see is was open too but can't see a pictures.

Yang: "This was protecting us from him and who ever don't have it will become his target."

Blake also get it now: "That why he target weiss because he see weiss as someone."

Yang nod: "And I know who he targeting next."

In City

Jaune and Sillies walking out from the town and arrive to city square. They looking at all the destruction.

Jaune: "Is this his dream?" hear a noise coming to them, he took out the sword and look around.

He see a lot of Zero-One and Gaim Monsters coming out from building, street, wall, on roof. 

Jaune yell: "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS DREAM!" surround by monsters until he hear a foot step coming to him. He look at the source and saw.....

Jaune: "I-Izuku..." 

Neg-Izuku coming to him slowly well keep calling out All for one name. Jaune take a stance ready to fight but a black tender wrap around him and Sillies weiss pull them out of the way. Jaune and Weiss Sillies hold down by monsters while Izuku look to Pyrrha who back away in scare.

Neg-Izuku make a sword weapons' with his whip and pointed to Pyrrha, Jaune yell Pyrrha to run but she was to scare to move. Neg-Izuku run to Pyrrha but stop by Yang, Weiss, Ruby and Blake appear infront of Pyrrha and protect from Neg-Izuku.

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