Love & War

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Devon and Drome left the hospital and headed towards these niggas cribs.

They posted up outside waiting on any nigga to walk out.

"Fuck this," Devon said getting out of the car.

Kevin got out of the car right after him.

"What's the plan?" Drome said

"Run in the shit like they did mines. But this time I'm killing any and everybody that's in that bitch" Devon said.

They walk towards the house peeping around

"Aye I got the back," Devon said

Drome kicked in the door letting off a shot. Devon came from the back of the kitchen firing shots.

Killing 4 niggas and having 2 ran out the door.

"Grab anything and let's go," Devon said grabbing the cash on the table.

They ain't have time to rob they ass so they took what they can.

"You know we are about to start a war," Drome said

"I'm ready for any nigga. You know that" Devon said driving off.

They pulled up to Drome's spot for the night.

Walking into the house Drome was stopped by the Baby momma at the door.

"Man now what?" Drome asked

"I need some money," Mary said

"Do you see what time it is Mary? Get the fuck out the house" Drome said pointing towards his door.

Mary walked in 5 months pregnant.

"Why the fuck you out late anyways? " Drome asked

"Cause I got hungry and you need to be in your baby's life more," Mary said

"The baby ain't even here yet and talking about being in her life," Drome said

"You don't go to no doctors appointment or you don't come to rub on me or give me some dick when I need it," Mary said

"Yeah, that's my q," Devon said walking into Drome's guest room.

"You ask for too much. And I told you I didn't even want the baby. You keeping her for no reason bro. You know I ain't want no kids" Drome said

"Well, you should have used a condom. Don't go putting this all on me, Drome. You know what's up" Mary said

"Nah YOU DO. Go fix something to eat in the kitchen" Drome said walking towards his room.

Devon's phone begins to ring seeing it's Bianca.

"What?" He answered

"So I heard you have a new bitch. Who is she?" Bianca asked

"Don't worry about it. Ain't none of your business anyways" Devon said

"So get me pregnant and move on? " Bianca asked

"You know we weren't that serious Bianca. Chill out." Devon said

"But you know how I feel about you," Bianca said

"And that is what? Cause last time I checked you be doing you too. " Devon said

"My feeling is way deeper with you than anybody else. Don't act like we weren't like that either DEVON" Bianca said

"We. Pass tense" Devin said

"Can I come over?" Bianca said

"I'm not at home," Devon said

"So you over that bitch house," She asked

"Don't worry about it. Bye," Devon said hanging up.

Devon ain't want to be bothered by anyone he was worried about Kevin.

Drome walked into the room holding a blunt.

"You good bro?" Drome asked

"Hell nah. Can't believe they shot our Mans" Devon said hitting the blunt.

"And we got them niggas back. At least he gone survive though" Drome said getting the blunt back and hitting it.

"What you take nigga?" Devon asked

"Some smoke and money you know me," Drome said passing the blunt.

"Alright. From now on we need to watch our backs and we have to find a new trap house. " Devon said

"Shit I get on that tomorrow," Drome said

"Hit up Jack and tell that nigga I need my money by tomorrow too," Devon said

Devin looked down at his phone and saw Mia calling. He ain't have time for her right now either.

Devon turned his phone off not wanting to be bothered for the rest of the night.

"They just took Kevin out of surgery," Drome said walking back in

"Alright good. He awake?" Devon asked

"No, he'll be up by the morning," Drome said

"Alright cool. We gone be up there in the morning" Devon said

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