the lonely rich kid

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"if i'm so smart and i'm so pretty

damn this town and damn this city

you never give me anything that i want"

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FULL NAME | dorian edward lawrence

↪ dorian | gift; greek
↪ edward | wealthy guard; old english 

↪dori | only by his younger sister

AGE | 27 

GENDER & PRONOUNS | male (he/him)

SEXUALITY | (closeted) homosexual

ETHNICITY | european (british)

↪ true crime, thrillers, horror and murder mysteries | the morbid fascinates dorian, who became an avid reader of agatha christie as a young boy with too much time alone at his hands. there is something about the violence and thrill of it that gets his blood pumping in a way he can control, the gory fascinating him

↪ books & libraries | bullied and shunned by his peers, dorian found respite in the quiet library, one of the only places he could find peace. books became his escape, the protagonists his only friends during his school time. he especially loved classical literature and poetry, spending hours picking apart the prose and analyzing the themes, visualizing the scenes in front of him. 

↪ violin | the sound of the violin was something dorian loved, spending sometimes hours alone in his room learning a new piece, creating dents in his fingers from pressing down on the strings. his first crush was the new violin teacher that replaced the old one when he was 15, the other man only in his early twenties. this was when dorian realized he was homosexual, keeping the little piece of information to himself while he crushed silently from afar. 

↪ late nights | dorian loves the quiet late in night, looking up at the stars whenever he gets the chance, the dark enveloping him like a comfortable blanket, making it easier for him to hide away. 

↪ sports | dorian always hated sports, never being particularly adept when it came to physical skills. it also gave his bullies another excuse to pick on him, dorian always singled out as the weak link in whatever team he was in. the only part of sports he did not dislike was sprinting, being rather fast on his feet, enough to not score last place. he never understood watching sports either, like football, always excusing himself when his father and older brother turned on the television to watch the game 

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