Jimmy's never seeing that jacket again

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(continuing from Rose County, Chapter 9! Aka maybe two days after the last chapter of Sweet Things)

Tango huffed. "It's just..." he lied his head in his arms. "I had an argument with my dormmates about something stupid and- and I did something stupid..."

Scar's expression changed to a more concerned and sympathetic one. He leaned on the counter next to Tango, who was facing and looking at scar now, he ruffled his friend's hair as an attempt to comfort Tango.

"You wanna talk about it?" Scar asked, hand still in his co-worker's hair ruffling it.

"Not really, maybe not now," Tango mumbled and had let out another exhausted and frustrated sigh "It's not their fault though, I'll tell you this, I yelled at them first... then Ren yelled back impulsively, Etho tried to stop us but had to yell at us as well, just- all so so so bad..."

Scar sucked in a breath through his teeth and kept repeating phrases like; 'It's okay' , 'It'll be alright' as Tango kept muttering to Scar.

"It sounds so dumb when I think it back," Tango looked like he was on the brink of tears. Scar could hear Tango mumbled, "I don't like getting into serious arguments with them or any of my friends, in fact..."

Scar sighed. "Oh Tango, okay, come here you need a hug," he said, not letting Tango answer before giving him a bear hug. Scar patted the blonde's head. "Is this why you came to work immediately and not to your classes-? Don't you have one in the morning?"

Tango sniffled quietly and wiped his tears with his eyes. "I do, but I'll be fine... I just- this happened a few days ago and I needed to talk to someone, Scar," he stated before continuing, "I'll go back to there later, maybe I'll have to find someone else's dorm to stay with for now I guess, doubt they'll want to see me."

Scar hummed and frowned. "I would like to offer you to stay with me but I don't think you'd like to deal with me every morning, even though you technically do-" that got out a laugh from Tango which Scar laughed along as soon as he heard it.

Suddenly, the bell on the door chimed. Who would be here at about 5am when the cafe just opened? A frantic rubbing Jimmy came through the doors.

Tango let out a gasp and hid behind Scar after mumbling "Hide me" to him. Scar didn't understand why Tango would be doing that but he did not question or interfere.

"An iced coffee- please," Jimmy asked through his panting as he leaned on the counter.

"Got'cha! One iced coffee for Timmy!" Scar grinned and began to work on the drink.

"It's Jimmy..."

"Right, right,"

As Scar walked away, Tango became visible to Jimmy on accident. Jimmy and Tango made eye contact, one of them confused and the other puffy-eyed

'This is embarrassing...'

"Tango?!" Jimmy had exclaimed. Scar turned around for a second but did not mind much to it other then just giving a smile before just turning back to making the drink.

"Hi Jimmy-!" Tango smiled at him as he stood up properly with his hands on his hip, acting like nothing happened. "What's up?"

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