chapter one

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Here I am on day 23 of the end of the world. I have seen no signs of human life. However, I have seen way to many human remains.

Just the other day I was peaking out my window and I spotted a hand on my neighbours window. It didn't look green or rotten like a zombie, it looked human enough.

I hatched a plan and decided to go out.

Horrible idea.

It was a human hand, but it wasn't attached to a body. I remember I threw up my breakfast right on the porch and nearly getting bitten on the leg. I guess I found out where the rest of it's body went. Well, half of it atleast. It was dragging itself by the only hand it had because there was nothing below it's torso.

I had rushed back to my house and cried. I had gotten no sleep that night.

No today I am to head out and find clean water for me to drink.

Scratch what I said in the first chapter, rule number one is good and water. Not just food.

I tied the backpack to my back, ducktaping the straps to my shoulder and waist. I carried around my uncles old machete and the old shotgun he kept in the basement. I figured that I should go to the big market store about twenty blocks away, it's where most of the good stuff were at.

Being out also meant that I could be safer from the monsters. There had been a few loitering around the neighborhood lately and it got me paranoid to no end.

My bag was packed with essentials, and extra food if I had to stay in hiding somewhere else for a few days.

You must be wondering (maybe not) what is my apocalypse outfit? This is where my specialty is at. My outfit consists of an airy pants, I really have no idea what it's called. Better for running is all that's important. Next is one of my dad's old fishing shirts that I kept, it was loose and durable. Finally was my shoes, which were some ratty old sneakers. All better for running.

I lock and board the door behind me, zombie proofing it. It's not like a zombie has broken in, but it doesn't mean that it will never happen. I was just being cautious. Just after I stepped out into the open, loud stomping echoed through the air.

I cursed silently and ducked into the house just next to mine, which happened to be my friends house, June. I have no idea if she was still alive, I never did see her on the day it all happened. All I know is that there was movement in the house on the fourth day.

The stomping continued and when I leaked through the window, I saw the monster sniffing the air.

Does it have my scent?

I really hope it doesn't.

It started walking towards my direction and I booked it, running into June's backyard and into the next street. I don't know if the monster saw me, but I didn't care.

My feet were pounding against the concrete.

Bump, bump, bump.

My heart was thumping in my chest.

Bump, bump, bump.

The monster roared and the ground shook violently as it dropped it's foot on the houses below it. As it dropped it's foot on my house. It roared loudly and I just kept running to anywhere, but here.

My breath was running short and my steps faltered. The further I ran, the less houses I could recognize. I looked around and there weren't as many zombies that there were in my neighbourhood. As I looked around, I spotted a familiar car. I knew who used to drive this, and that meant that I'm somewhere near school. School. I hadn't thought about that place in weeks. Of course, its huge building and probably surrounded by zombies, but I have no where to go right now. And I hugely respected other people's homes, even if they're probably never going to come back to it.

I wiped the tears that tried to escape my eyes, and took a deep breath. More running. It was never ending.

I sped past buildings, offices and houses. Every turn I take, monsters. Zombies.

Sometimes I just wish I could give up.

But I can't.

I need to find my baby brother, who's probably out there somewhere. Who knows how far this apocalypse spread. Humanity will be no more.

𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now