Selene POV:

   After stirring awake I groggily looked ahead to see I was in some type of laboratory to which I tried to move only to realize I was frozen and in some type of chamber causing me to look around only to see no one before I started banging my head against the glass since that was the only part of my body I could move.

   As the glass started to crack under the force I was using from my head I used all the force I could muster in one last hit that caused the glass to shatter making me fall out of the chamber and onto the cold tile floor.

   As my limbs began to I thaw with my skin regaining its complexion I look around that lab and found my clothes tucked in a cabinet to which I painfully stood up and grabbed my clothes before suiting and as I stood in the room I couldn't help but worry for Micheal wondering if he was in a chamber like I was or I'm much dire situation.

   As I grew panicked I saw that fog started to envelope the room to which I went to the lock mechanism for the door and tried to get the shutters go up before I heard a heartbeat causing me to look up and two humans staring down at me to which I grew angry before I jumped up through the ceiling and came down in the room the humans were in before I grabbed one of the humans.

   "What is this place? Where is Micheal?!" I asked as the other human stabbed in the back with a scalpel to which I turned towards the human and grabbed his before yank his elbow up causing his bone to split and showing coming out of his arm before I took the scalpel still in bedded in my back and stabbed him in the temple killing the human.

   After killing the human I leaned faints the railing hyperventilating from panic before I walked out of the room and into the hallway, but as stood there five guards held Pistols pointed at me.

   After killing the human I leaned faints the railing hyperventilating from panic before I walked out of the room and into the hallway, but as stood there five guards held Pistols pointed at me

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   "Don't move." The guard directly in front of me ordered as I stayed silent twirling the scalpel in my hand before I quickly dashed ahead killing all of the guards.

  As I made my through the facility I had to kill guard after guard just try and escape, but the entire time I was just hoping Micheal would show up and make some sassy remark. I would give anything to hear one of them right now.

   After getting a gun from one of the many dead guards that laid behind me I shot out the glass of a window to which I walked up to the window and jumped before I landed on top of container truck and as the truck drove away I looked back at the building seeing the 'Antigen' in big stone letters across the top.

   "I will find you Micheal." I muttered to myself as the truck continued driving away gaining distance from the building which I just escaped.

" I muttered to myself as the truck continued driving away gaining distance from the building which I just escaped

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