Chapter twenty-one

Start from the beginning

 The stairs were set up, and General Medvedev ascended and became Vassil operating the plane.

Commander Yuri: All planes, be on standby... come on, fly, I hope you will have a good trip.

Planes were flying through the sky at high speed, heading east to Vladivostok.

The view from the air was beautiful and enjoyable, as the clouds were scattered, and beneath them were cities and green lands, and the wheat farmer and the long roads.

Pilot Vasil: We will arrive in Vladivostok in eight hours.

Nikolai: This strategic aircraft is wonderful in that it is fast and flies over long distances

And it can carry smart missiles, hahaha.

Pilot Fasil: It is advanced and has computers that enable it to react in complex and dangerous situations.

It contains a meeting room, a communications room, a sitting room, and a sleeping room for the cabin crew.

Nikolai: Yes, I see that it is a small type. Usually strategic aircraft are larger than this.

Pilot Fasil: We carry nuclear missiles. This plane has the ability to connect to a communications network.

The satellites will also be linked to some ground-based strategic deterrence programs

We can connect it to some submarines with nuclear missiles.

Nikolai: This strategic bomber system costs a lot of money... It cost six hundred million dollars

Each nuclear missile warhead costs twenty million dollars. I say this in dollars because the ruble is variable... It took us a while and we passed through Moscow, hahaha.

Nikolai got up, went to the communications room, and started talking to the officers.

Officer: Rest assured, General Nicholas, that our contacts are only with Canada.

Nikolai: Take care of this carefully because we have hacked into the Commonwealth system's devices. Don't go near the states of The United States of America and other countries will discover us and all our plans will fail.

An officer approached him and gave him a military salute: General Nikolai, we are ready for the meeting.

Nikolai: Okay... I'm coming with you.

They went down the corridor together and entered the meeting room, where there were nine officers. They got up immediately and gave the military salute.

The room was small, with a rectangular table surrounded by chairs, a TV, and a panel for writing, telephone, and electronic communication devices.

Nikolai: Welcome, let's talk about the implementation of decisions and recommendations, we will be at the Russian base.

We have aircraft and we will be ready at any moment to carry out missions.

Officer: But, General, we are not in any state of war.

Nikolai: We are preparing to strike our enemies and then bring the countries to us.

The officers started laughing.

They were discussing for two hours, and in the meantime, the waiter came in. "They let me in.

Shall I bring you lunch here?"

Vladisevstok, a port military base.

Officer Ivan was managing operations at the port, as security was tight in and around the port

The informants were walking throughout Vladivostok.

They had finished loading the warship with nuclear missiles, and the work was presented to Officer Ivan

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