9 - Tiny Metal Circles

En başından başla

To Todoroki - "First day at my new job! Cute uniform, right? :P"

To Midoriya - "I got a new job! You should come visit someday soon! The food's really good!"

To Tobinomu - "Look at me, I'm so sexy amirite"

You receive a response from Tobinomu almost immediately.

Best Girl: You're so...

You: Goofy? Silly?

Best Girl: Slay yas queen purr gaslight gatekeep girlbosssssssss

You: ... I'm gonna block u

Best Girl: Now THAT is sexy

Best Girl: i can fix her

You: cringe

Best Girl: only as cringe as u bbg

You giggle to yourself as you wait for your mother to pick you up.

Soon after, you receive a response from Midoriya.

Bush Boy: Wow, I'm so happy for you! Where dp you work?

You: [sent a location]

Bush Boy: I'll be there tomrrow night!

You: ok that's a bit quicker than i thought BUT HEY business is business :3

You: ty btw id love to see you here!

Bush Boy: of course!

You smile to yourself. So polite... Definitely a mama's boy.

Your phone dings again.

Peppermint: yeah


So blunt.


Your mother's car finally pulls up to the bench.

"Hey mom!" you smile as you sit down in the backseat.

She nods, "How was work?"

You sigh, "My feet hurt. I think I'm gonna die."

"You'll be fine," she rolls her eyes, a small smile dancing across her lips. "... Well? Don't you have something to ask me?"

You roll your eyes in turn, "Right. Did you win your case?"

"Yep," she takes a deep breath, then releases it, seeming to relax. "One more criminal behind bars. I hope someday you'll take these lessons and use them yourself someday. Being a lawyer is perfect for you, you know."

"I'm not you, mom..."

She slightly shifts in her seat, "Yes, I know. But I'm just saying. If you ever struggle to determine your career when you become a third year, being like me is a good option. And I can teach you even more from experience."

You cross your legs, "Yeah, but mom... Is there really anything you haven't told me by now, other than details on your cases in particular? I'm pretty sure you've instilled just about every lesson about your job into me that you can!" Not to mention your rambling about the government and society this and that...

"You make a good point. But still. I'm sure I can teach you... Something new."

You shrug, "Maybe." No. You crammed your life's misery into my head before I was ten. I doubt there's much more left.


"I'll bring this down to him," you say. "Thanks, dad."

Your father smiles cheerily as he hands you the plate of food, "You are very welcome! Oh, wait, you forgot something!"

Siren (BNHA Reader/OC Insert | TodoDekuBaku x Reader/OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin