Instant Regret - Part 4

Start from the beginning

"I have no idea what Harper knocked you out with, because nothing is showing up on my tests, but vitals look fine to me." Harris says, scrolling on a tablet. "Are you still feeling off?"

"A little bit, I'm better than before though." I answer, Ryan was texting someone back on his phone. 

"Mark needs me, Mom is waking up." Ryan says. 

"What happened to your mom?" I ask.

"You weren't the only hostage Harper took." Ryan answers. "Only thing is my mom went on her own free will. Before Harper put a monster in her brain." 

"Oh my god, If Mark needs you, go." I say. 

"No. Mark is with mom, I'm staying with you." He turned his phone off. 

"Ryan, Harris just said I'm fine. I'm starting to feel better, I probably just need to rest more." I argued sitting up on the table. "Go, your mom needs you, and I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" He asks me.

"I'm sure." I nod. "Now go."

"Okay," He sighs, walking to the door, "Oh Harris, do me a favor and do one of those concussion test on her. I only say that because your eyes seemed sluggish."

"Well, I didn't notice, but better safe then sorry." Harris slid his stool in front of me, and started to have me follow his finger. 

"You two are killing me." Spyder laughs, dramatically flopping down on the other end of the bed I wasn't sitting on.

"The two of us?" I ask. "I think he's the one being a pain in the ass."

"Oh he is, but he's so into you and he won't do anything about it and it's killing me!" Spyder complains. 

"Okay, well I hope that's not the case since he, you know has a girlfriend?" I remind him.

"No, he doesn't." Spyder says. 

"Dude, shouldn't we let him tell her?" Harris suggested. 

"I'm not waiting for him to get himself together." Spyder didn't even hesitate. "Kota, part of the reason that he was so late last night is because Yasmin broke up with him after the movie."


"Yeah." He nods. "And, don't take this the wrong way, but it was about you."

"What right way am I supposed to take that?" I ask. 

"I'm serious." Spyder says. "Yasmin could tell that he's into you, I know that he's into you. That's why he couldn't even see straight when we figured out Harper had you too."

"You really think he was with this girl, but the whole time, he wanted me instead?" I continued while Harris's switched over to having me follow a light.

"No, Ryan isn't that kind of person." Spyder answers.

"Yeah, I agree." Harris nods.

"I don't doubt that Ryan actually did care for Yasmin, but I think eventually, he started to miss you." Spyder continues. "He spent so much time with her, less with you, then realized how much he loved being around you."

"You really think so?"

"Kota, he noticed your eyes were sluggish from the other side of the room!" Spyder says. "We were standing right next to you, neither of us noticed."

"And he's right, I think they are sluggish, but I don't think it's a concussion." Harris backs away. "I think it's probably whatever knocked you out."

"So tell me Spyder, what is you goal of telling me all this?" I ask.

"So that you know, and can go talk to him and end all this madness." Spyder says, obviously. 

"I think I will."


(3rd Person POV)

"Ryan wait!" Dakota calls, after catching Ryan just outside the foot of the robot inside the ferry hanger. 

"Hey, what's wrong, you okay?" He turns back around to face her.

"Nothings wrong, I'm fine." She stops running just in front of him. "Spyder told me Yasmin broke up with you? Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'll be fine." He answers. "I probably deserved it." 

"What did you do?" She asks. 

"Nothing really, at least I don't think." He says. "We would have been good friends I think, but we didn't work well together."

"Ryan," Dakota says with a small smile. "You guys were so good together, it has to be more than that. Come on what happened?"

"She just... could see the truth, that I was trying to hide." He says after a moment of silence. "That I wished it was you."

"And were you gonna tell me?" She asks. 

"I didn't feel like I could!" He answers. "I mean you were so supportive of me asking her out, your my best friend, and how do you admit to your girlfriend that you fell for your best friend?What we have as friends is amazing, and I love us as friends, but I felt obligated to spend time with her because she was my girlfriend, but she could tell I missed all things I did with you and that I wanted it to be you!"


"And then I had to go a make it worse by going out with her and her friends when I should have been here for you, and I wasn't. I ended up having a really messy breakup that ended with screaming in a movie theater parking lot, and then I didn't make it back and you got hurt because of me."

"Ryan." She says again. "Listen to yourself, you aren't okay."

"I said I was okay with the breakup." He corrects her. "I didn't mean I was actually okay. What I did could've...  you could have..."

"But I didn't." Dakota says. "I'm here, and I'm okay."

"But then Harper got to you before I could and he could have hurt you too." He continue. "He did, hurt you."

"But I'm here, and I'm still okay." She reminds him. "Did it ever occur that it tore me up to? I wanted to scrap Flying Solo because I didn't want to be the girl best friend that gets in the way."


"Yeah," She nods. "Did you wonder why I'm still here? Why I haven't left?" 

"I- I guess, yeah." He hesitates. "What about it."

"Because, apparently I like you a lot to want to forgive you for the other night." She answers. "I'm also pretty sure I fell first."

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