Few Months Later

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Calibri was settling into Troll Village nicely. Everyone was nice and welcoming to her, even helping to build her a home inside the tree the trolls hung their pods from. 

The woman was good friends with Poppy, but didn't feel comfortable around the pink troll's boyfriend, Creek. 

Calibri got multiple red flags from him. 

Right now, Calibri was waking up to hear that Poppy was leading the village in a song about being united and a party. The woman got up and walked to the entrance of the home she built. She perched on the wood before leaning forward and falling. 

As she free fell, Calibri spread her wings and let the wind catch her as she flapped them. She did a few tricks and then landed soon as the song ended. 

Poppy then looked at her bracelet, which was aglow with a small ding. "Hug time!" 

Creek took her hand and smiled at her. "It is hug time." 

The trolls of Poppy's friend group then got into a group hug, pulling a not so pleased Branch in the center of the hug. 

Now, Branch. He was different from the other trolls. 

Calibri once was practicing with her wings out in the woods and nearly crashed into Branch. But she helped him gather his dropped supplies and assisted him in gathering other materials for his bunker. 

The two would talk and get to know each other. They enjoyed each other's company. 

Branch was kinda glad Calibri wasn't like the others in the village. She didn't like loud noises, she didn't sing or dance at random times, and she was understanding in him wanting his space. 

He got out of their grip and picked up his sticks. "When the Bergens find us, and the survival of every Troll in Troll Village is in your hands! I hope the answer is singing, dancing, and hugging! Because that's all you know how to do!" 

Biggy went to defend Poppy. "That is not true. Poppy can also scrapbook." 

"I can't believe you're gonna be queen one day." 

Calibri sighed through her nose before following a leaving Branch, before Poppy stopped her. 

"Cali! Are you coming to the party?" The woman turned and shook her head. "No, I love you guys, and am so grateful to you for taking me in. But I don't do well with loud and crazy unless I want to." 

Poppy seemed to understand a bit, a little disappointed that Calibri won't be going. "Ok." 

Calibri then spread her wings and took off, flying after Branch. Course, she already knew where he was going. His fear bunker. 

She soon landed when she spotted the doormat in front of some rocks. The woman giving a knock on the mat, knowing it was the door. 

A slot opened in the mat, showing Branch's grey eyes. "Calibri? What are you doing here?" 

Calibri huffed out a chuckle and crouched to meet Branch's eyes. "Let me in and I'll tell you all, my friend." 

Branch rolled his eyes and closed the slot before opening the mat door and letting Calibri in. The woman climbing into the space as Branch activated the elevator. 

"Well, you know I don't like loud and crazy parties. So, I came here to hide from the noise." The elevator stopped and the two walked until sitting on a couch. 

Branch looked to the woman in some confusion. "You sometimes are around the others when they're singing. What about that?" 

"Believe it or not, my ears make everything three times louder. Sudden, loud, sharp, or high-pitched sounds hurt like no tomorrow. So, I sneak ear plugs everywhere in my pockets." 

Branch seemed to feel like that was true. With the speakers used in the performances, parties, and the acoustics of the village, made everything loud. 

"That must be painful." Calibri nodded. "It is, but I find my way around it." 

Branch nodded before getting up. "Ok, I still have some supplies to get. Could you organize some of the stuff I already brought in with the system I showed you?" 

Calibri nodded and her tail twitched as Branch walked towards the elevator. "Alright, just be back soon, ok? I don't want to be alone with my intrusive thoughts." 

Branch seemed to have chuckled a little as the elevator went up, and Calibri could swear she saw a little pink flush the troll's cheeks. 

She got to work, making sure everything was organized so Branch wouldn't have a total OCD meltdown. Calibri made sure everything was in its place and sorted, locked down, and counted. It was a long process, but she got it done before Branch got back. 

"Calibri?" Branch was carrying more sticks. "Yeah?" 

Calibri was stretching as she yawned. "You okay, you seem tired." 

"And you seem to need so many sticks?" She got him there as the troll put the sticks down and walked over to her. Her eyes had bags under them. "Well, you have bags under your eyes. Have you not been sleeping well?" 

Calibri sighed; she couldn't hide anything from him, he's a bad liar, but is a living truth detector. 

"No. Been having nightmares since I came here. I'm lucky if I don't have a dream at all, least I can sleep until Poppy and the others start their mornings." 

Knocking then came from the top of the bunker along with Poppy's voice calling Branch's name over and over. 

"Should we answer?"

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