(2) Princessa

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words: 1175


He walks in. "Que paso ma?" no way. It's Diego Lainez.

"GOALLLLLL," Mario, my annoying cousin yells from across the room.
I get up from my seat to see what is so interesting. As I walk to the living room, On the TV a futbol game is playing. I get interested because I have nothing else to do besides scrolling on TikTok. I know some rules about futbol games as I grew up in a Hispanic household with a bunch of futbol lovers.
"Who's playing?" I question.
"Mexico vs United States," Mario replies.
As we watch the game in silence, I'm getting into the game as I can feel myself leaning in my seat closer to the TV.

El Factor scores again?..
"GOALAZOO DE EL FACTOR," the commentator yells from the TV.
"Who is that?" I asked.
"Diego Lainez of course."
I get intrigued and search for his name on Pinterest because they make people look incredibly fine. I scroll through and think to myself that he is pretty cute. I searched his name on Google and got a description box of details about him. As I'm skimming through quickly, I see he's 5'6... 5'6??? I gasped to myself not realizing I gasped out loud.
"What are you gasping about?" Mario questioned.

"Nothing," I quickly replied.

"I don't believe you as I can see your screen Y/N," Mario replies with an attitude. "I know you think he's cute because he's your type, but Y/N listen to me he's a player. He gets with a new girl every single week. He's not good for you after everything you've been through"

The whole  atmosphere gets awkward and I walk out quietly mumbling under my breath, "I'm going to the bathroom"


I have so many emotions happening to me. I don't know if I should fan girl and ask for a picture or keep it "cool." I go with the second option and quickly delete my search history on Pinterest. Is she trying to set me up with her son? If she is, baby I'm all here for it.
"El es Diego." the lady said, assuming that she was Diego's Mom. (He is Diego)
"Mucho gusto Diego estoy en shock que estas aqui en frente de mi." (Nice to meet you, Diego, I'm shocked that you're here in front of me.)
Shit. Why did I say that? I just got so much secondhand embarrassment from myself.
"O si si mucho gusto igualmente todo tu famila esta aya tomando fotos de mi. Que es tu nombre?" Diego asked. (Yes, very nice, your whole family is already taking photos of me. What is your name?)
"Y/n," you reply.
"Que lindo nombre que tienes Y/n," he said with the brightest smile.
Did he just say my name is beautiful? Bitch did I just repeat what he just said in my head. Lord help me I need a drink. "I hope to talk to you more Hermosa," he said.
"Of course, I-I'll be here probably this whole time."
Fuck did I just say? Ima need more than one drink. Hell, give me the whole cooler of drinks.

He walks out with his mom behind him. She turns around and gives me a wink. Did I really just talk to Diego fucking Lainez? I'm going to have a good night's sleep tonight. Blacked out drunk. You stay in the living room for a bit to process everything that just happened in the span of minutes.
"FAMILY MEETING!!!" somebody yells out.
What could they possibly want now always on my dick? You walk to the other living room where some family members are already there. Some sitting, some standing. This looks like a business meeting is happening...I make my way to the couch to sit down and try to wait patiently for the announcement. I feel the couch dip in weight. I slowly look over and see Diego... Smirking... I really can't get a break, can I? He tries to be smooth and puts his arm around the top of the couch. He looks at me up and down.

"Your outfit looks good on you," he says.
Did he just complement my outfit? I'm about to fold. Butterflies start fluttering my stomach and reply, "O-oh, thank you." Give me the whole damn bar.

"I would compliment you, but your ego would get bigger," I replied to him

"Oh? So you would compliment me?"He replies back sharkily "Huh hermosa? Mhm.."
You suddenly feel him studying you. I slowly put my head down trying to distract myself from whatever the fuck just happened. I realize that I feel my face get hotter and start blushing... I pray to whatever gods are out there that he doesn't see me right now. I try to not care about men, and instead think about what I'm going to wear tomorrow. Sadly I can't as his arm is right above me, slowly creeping its way down on your shoulders. I finally hear the words, I've been dying to hear that can get me out of the situation.

"La comida esta lista. Vamos a comer."
I get up a little too quickly to the point, where I feel lightheaded and stumble a bit. Fuck, I didn't take my iron pills today. Diego quickly notices and puts his arms on my waist to help me stand back upright. "Careful how you get up princessa." He replies quickly and harshly as if the words are in his normal vocabulary to me.
Princessa? Oh shit, that's a new one!
I slowly start feeling butterflies again. Bitch pull yourself together. Finding a place to sit I finally reach a table and get a seat away from Diego. Far away.
My thoughts are running wild about why I don't want to sit next to him, but it's because I've got trust issues. All the people that I've liked have turned out to be fake. My best friend since kindergarten. My first-grade boyfriend, that one still hurts. My ex-boyfriend. I won't ever forget walking into my boyfriend well ex-boyfriend and my best friend in the same bed. Naked. My own bed. Since then I can't trust people anymore. I've become like Bruce Wayne. Alone. Just not hella rich and not Batman.

As I eat my food I can feel eyes staring at me. Please stop riding my dick guys, leave me alone. I slowly look up and catch Diego looking at me. I just can't catch a break from this fucking bitch. He looks away so fast I swear he got whiplash. I start smiling and can feel my cheeks heat up for some odd reason. We all eat our food and I mostly talked with my cousins the whole time. Several fun hours later, it finally becomes time to leave. But my parents realized that they were both drunk and they didn't want anybody getting hurt, so they came up with the plan to stay at the Airbnb. And I didn't bring my car, Great. I go outside to grab my stuff from the car. As I made my way inside, I heard some of my tias discussing how there isnt enough rooms for everyone, so two people had to share a room. Fuck.

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