Chapter Three : On the journey

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When the five finished getting changed and began to leave the ruins of Cair Paravel,  N/n tagged behind the group, while Edmund was behind them. N/n looked back and backed up a bit to match Edmund's pace.

"Hey," N/n greeted.

Edmund kicked a stone on the ground, "Hey," he said, looking away. He didn't know exactly why but the medieval looking clothes fitted N/n very well. They looked as if they were meant to be someone from Narnia.

"You alright there, Ed?" N/n casually asked, hands now resting in the pockets of their dress/pants. Edmund looked up from the ground and nodded.

"Yeah, why?"

N/n shrugged, kicking a stone as well, "You kinda looked a little down. Also, you've been walking behind the group for a while."

Edmund chuckled.

N/n smiled at the sound of his laugh, it had only been a day since they met but N/n could somewhat feel a connection with the boy. Or maybe they were just delusional but whatever.

"How about you? This must be a little weird for you, huh?" Edmund said, now finally looking at N/n.

The brunette/blonde/etc. shrugged, "Definitely, I never imagined I'd get transported to a different world today but I also never thought I'd meet you today so I'd say it's not all too bad."

Edmund blinked as he faced N/n, trying to understand what they could have possibly meant.

N/n watched as Edmund tried to think about what they meant, amused by the subtle changes in his face.


There was something happening inside N/n's mind, something occupying them as they walked down the cliffs and through the forest. Something that they couldn't fully pin point. It could be that they had just been transported into an entirely different world filled with things they were unsure of, surrounded by people they had just met.

But then again, N/n didn't exactly NOT trust the siblings. If anything, they would rely on the four, seeing as they are familiar with this place called Narnia. Only, N/n has yet to ask them why they know so much.

N/n looked around the trees, admiring the the sun rays that were peaking through the crown. They then looked back, where Edmund had been lagging behind for no apparent reason, kicking pebbles and stones and jumping on top of boulders.

N/n couldn't help but observe as Edmund hopped around. Edmund looked up and once more, locked eyes with the before looking away. N/n was no stranger to these glances. They've been the receiver of such eyes for a while but for some reason Edmund's glances made them blush and feel flustered.

"Well, this day has gotten even more interesting," N/n muttered to themselves but if only they knew how much crazier their day would become. As they travelled outside of the forest and onto a shoreline, Susan spotted a boat of two armed guards and a tied up dwarf.

Alarmed, Susan drew her bow, pointing it towards the guards, "Drop him!" She yelled, the two guards looked their eay as the two brothers prepared their swords.

Somewhat afraid, the guards dropped the captive dwarf into the water and Edmund and Peter immediately diving in to save him.

N/n stood behind Susan, impressed at the siblings' quick thinking. It seemed as if they belonged in this world they called Narnia.

Speaking of which, I should ask Edmund more about Narnia. N/n thought to themselves.

They anxiously waited for Peter and Edmund to resurfaced while Susan kept aim at the guards rowing away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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