"*sigh* This is going to take longer than I thought.." She sat down on the grass, resting her face in her palm.

For a while, the world turned silent as she stared into nothing. She loudly sighed. For someone who's trying to not make loud noises, she sure does exactly the opposite.

"Life is so boring... There's nothing to do and nothing to see and when I finally found something I want to do.. it doesn't go my way. Nothing ever does."

"NEVER SAY NEVER." A familiar voice was heard.

"No way..."

"Yes way. What's up girl? Never Seen you before.. you new?" A familiar cloud figure showed up from behind a bush.


Cloud guy grinned, happy that he had been recognised.

"So you know my name? Pfffff of course you do. I'm like pretty famous around these parts."

"These parts? My dude, we're like MILES away from Trolls village." The older sister stared at the smug cloud in confusion.

"I'm famous EVERYWHERE thank you very much." Cloud guy pouted jokingly then got closer to the girl who backed away not really liking the closeness... and his weird musty scent.

"Let me guess.. you're from another word." He tapped his cloud formed pointy chin.

"Um, yeah! How do you know that?"

"I'm Cloud guy!" He gestured towards himself.

"....Make sense."

"And I've never seen someone that looks like you before. Okay! ANDDD let me guess again. You're gonna kidnapped everyone, including yours truly: ✨Me✨ to watch movies based on all of us." He 'guessed'.

"Yep! That's exactly what I'm doing! But it's gonna be hard since the machine that was supposed to help me with all of this isn't working properly." She sighed, pointing towards the machine not too far from them. The bigger parts of the machine broke off, causing the girl to screamed internally.

'That's what I get for buying it off EBay...' she thought.

"Also," she continued "I was planning to show them only one movie."

"Yeah yeah, the newest one, yadee yaaa, but let's not do that! You see, if you want them to watch their lives, you might as well start from the beginning. It'll make more sense. Trust."


"That's right! EVERYTHING! -Thing! -thing! -thing." His voice echoed.

"SHHHHHH! Stop! They're sleeping!" She pointed to the sleeping trolls behind her.

"My bad LOL."

"No one says 'lol' out loud." She face-palmed.

"Well this cloud does."

"Right... I- ..I can't even fix this thing. How can I do that... exactly?" Tears started forming in her eyes... along with snot in her nose.

Trolls react [On hiatus till June/July]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें