CHAPTER TWELVE, love & adventure

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(winnie's outfit for this part of the chapter)

"Winnie!" Winnie groans as she's woken up to someone calling her name, followed by the light in her room turning on

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"Winnie!" Winnie groans as she's woken up to someone calling her name, followed by the light in her room turning on. She turns to bury her face in her pillow. "I need help."

"Can it not wait until later?" Winnie complains to her brother, Reese. She rolls over in bed, squinting against the sudden brightness in the room. "It's too early for this." The sun had peeked through her curtains, causing her to cover her eyes.

"No. Please, it's an emergency. Brooke just asked me out on a date and I'm trying not to freak out. Can you please help me?" He pleaded, sounding both anxious and excited.

"Fine." Winnie grumbles. "What time is it anyway?"

"It's 7." He replied.

"Reese, it's 7 AM! Why are you awake?" She asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes. She wasn't a morning person at all so she didn't understand why Reese woke her up this early. 

"I couldn't sleep. I'm freaking out! Come on. Help me." Reese paced back and forth in her room, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke. He looked at her with a pleading expression, hoping she would help him out. 

Winnie sighs, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement at her brother's antics. "Okay, okay. Calm down, Reese. Take a deep breath." She patted the empty spot on her bed next to her, gesturing for him to sit down. She noticed that he looked like a mess, his blonde curls were wild and his clothes rumpled as if he had been tossing and turning all night. 

"Alright, first I need coffee, and then I can help." Winnie tells him, trying to sound as calm and reassuring as possible. She knew her brother needed her, and she was going to do her best to help him. But she didn't have enough brainpower without coffee yet. Plus, the caffeine will help her think better. And hopefully the extra boost of energy will wake her up a little more. She really hoped he didn't have an idea that would require a lot of energy. "Go ahead and get dressed. Then meet me downstairs, okay?"

Reese nods, seeming relieved. "Okay. Thanks, Winnie. You're the best." He kissed her forehead and rushed out of the room. Winnie smiled softly. Even though her brother could be a pain in the butt, she still loved him. And she was happy that he found someone that made him happy. She had seen the way he would look at Brooke and it was the same way she would look at Stick. It was obvious he was smitten. Plus, she was happy for Brooke too. She deserved someone who made her happy, and it was clear that Reese was that person for her. They were good for each other.

Winnie did her morning routine and when she went downstairs, the smell of fresh coffee and food made her smile. The sound of sizzling bacon and eggs, and the sight of toast popping up from the toaster, all filled the kitchen. She noticed their parents were cooking breakfast. Their mom was humming and flipping a pancake. While their dad was cooking the eggs and bacon. Winnie grabbed herself a mug and got her coffee. She took a sip and let out a sigh of content. It was delicious and exactly what she needed.

NERVOUS! stick goldsteinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt