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Winnie groans with annoyance, laying her head on her crossed arms on the table. "If they continue to act all lovey dovey anymore I'm gonna have to go stand in the middle of a busy highway."

Tad and Bella have been all coupley ever since they got back together and it was getting annoying. Was she jealous they were together and she didn't have anyone? Yeah, obviously. But that's besides the point. Poor Ashley had to see it all; Winnie felt so bad for her and wished there was something she could do for her.

"Did I hear something about standing in the middle of a busy highway?" Stick questions, taking the empty seat between Brook and Winnie. "'Cause I'll go too." 

"Nini said that." Brooke replies, glancing at the couple with annoyance. "And I don't blame either of you." 

"Ugh! I've got a deadline in three days, and I can't concentrate." Ashley groans. "Why am I so distracted?"

"I don't know." Brooke pretends to sound like she doesn't know when it was obvious she did. "Maybe it's because you like Tad, and...Well, look at them." The four friends glance over at the table Tad and Bella sat at. Winnie looks at the couple weirdly upon seeing Bella scratching Tad behind his ear. "They're grooming each other like chimps." Brooke remarked.

"Really weird." Winnie commented and Stick nodded in agreement.

Winnie notices Ashley is clearly upset and that she tries to portray that she's happy for the couple. "I liked him for a nanosecond." She fakes a smile. "I say, good for them." The next time she speaks sounds more like she forced herself to say it. "Good for them." 

"Convincing." Stick sarcastically remarked.

Winnie sympathetically smiles at Ashley. "Ash, you're not fooling anyone. It's obvious you're upset about them. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

"It's okay, I guess." Ashley sighed and continued working.

"Hey, Ashley." Victor greets. "How are you doing?"

"Great." Ashley forces a smile and fists bump the air. "Whoo!"

Winnie glances at the couple when she heard laughing in that direction and saw Bella had put icing on Tad's nose. "Yippee-kai-yay, Uncle Victor." Ashley said, leaning her arm back on the seat. 

Victor raises his eyebrows at her. "You sure everything's all right?" 

Ashley's smile falls upon noticing Tad and Bella sharing a Twizzler like how Lady and the Tramp shared spaghetti in the movie. Winnie smiles sympathetically at her, feeling bad for her. "Amazing." Ashley replies. "It's just so great being a teenager." She forced a laugh that didn't sound convincing. 

Victor looks at her weirdly and nods. "Okay." 

After he walked away, Winnie lokos back at the couple along with her friends when she heard Bella say, "Here comes the choo-choo." Bella then fed Tad some ice cream from the milkshake.

Winnie glances at Ashley with surprise upon hearing a pencil snap in half and saw she had half a pencil. "Okay, Lady Hulk, you jealous." Brooke sassily commented.

Ashley leans back with a surprise expression. "Jealous of Bella?"

"It's obvious you are." Winnie nodded.

Ashley laughs. "Her one accomplishment in life is making sure her bra strap is always showing." She gasps, looking at her friends with a panicked expression. "Did I just criticize another woman for how they dress? What is happening to me?" She frowns. "I'm a bad feminist."

"You are not a bad feminist." Brooke reassures her. "You're just dealing with your first crush."

"Yeah, crushes are hard." Stick said, dreamingly smiling at Winnie. Ashley and Brooke exchanged a knowing glance.

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