Passing Time! Junior High!

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A/N Hello everyone and thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty in order to get this story another chapter! I love how you all give my stories attention and I hope you continue to do so! Now for the next part of the story a bit of context. Izuku will be abused in his orphanage home since Quirkless individuals don't really get treated right. Izuku will still but heads with Katsuki up until UA, but other than that everything is the same if not worse. Let's begin!

Izuku woke up as multiple blunt weapons landed on his chest that morning. It had officially been exactly 5 years since the fall of the Jedi Order, and he had been living on Earth. As he groaned in pain in the bed the person who woke him up was a beautiful woman who had a very well-endowed physique who had a very voluptuous body as well. She had long brown hair who had been very rude to him since he first arrived at the orphanage. "Get up you Worthless brat! I can't believe that I have to waste time in waking you up every morning!" The woman said, as Izuku begrudgingly woke up as he stood up from the bed. As a fourteen-year-old boy, he had been privy to many forms of torture as well as abuse from the orphanage as he basically was a prisoner inside the building. When one of the children would accidentally break something, he took the blame for it so that they could be kept safe. The woman had abused them all in the past and he wouldn't be a Hero or a Jedi if he didn't protect the innocent as well as keep the peace. So long as he was the one being injured on the daily as well as take all the blame for things that the younger children do, he was fine with that. As he walked out of the bedroom where he was constantly abused like no tomorrow, he made his way towards the kitchen in order to cook for the children and skip breakfast. It was just like in the Jedi Order where some Jedi went weeks to years without food. Izuku had doubled that time frame in terms of no food. His powers in the Force were getting stronger as he grew, and he always trained in the dead of night when he knew that nobody would see him training to master his growing power. As he entered the kitchen he started to make pancakes as well as eggs and ham when the woman entered the kitchen and watched as he cooked the food. She was trying to get him to eat even though he told her that he was fasting for the longest time, but no matter how many times she had forced him to eat, she just decided that he was punishing himself over the years for the other children and just decided to beat him awake every morning as her punishment. The other children didn't like how he took all the blame as well as the beatings for them but as soon as they saw what happens during the beatdown of Izuku they wisely decided to stop breaking things as well as doing things to get him in trouble. 


Izuku was walking to school now, he had finished breakfast and saved a little bit for himself since he was incredibly hungry. With how his stomach had shrunk to near nothing, he had been starving to the point that he couldn't take it anymore and was slowly increasing his food intake. He knew that being a Hero meant that he needed to be aware of his ability to fight instead of working with his brain. Arriving at the school he sighed in sadness as his day would only continue to get worse from here on out. If you thought about the fact that Izuku taking a beating for the children as well as being starved by the woman in charge of the orphanage was bad enough, the people at his school didn't think that was enough and made it their mission to get him to commit suicide. He took it in stride though, the only one who even tried to fight him was Bakugo and the boy took his fights with him as a challenge to get stronger. But the boy had been keeping an eye on him more now adays since Izuku's body type had been slowly degrading to the point where he was almost skin and bones. The boy not having his rival to be reduced to almost nothing in terms of a physical fighter of his prowess kept feeding him enough to keep him going, even if it was forced. Izuku walked into his classroom for the day and the students were now getting more concerned with his health since he kept decreasing in weight as well as his eyes were beginning to become more sunken in. As the teacher talked about how Izuku and Katsuki were going to UA, the boy defended him for once as he stated that out of all of them Deku had the ability to stand by his side as an equal or even slightly worse than the boy himself. Izuku smiled sadly at the slightly older boy as he shook his head and went back into his notes for the class as well as his Quirk Analysis Notes. As soon as he finished them, and the school day was over Bakugo walked over to him as he basically demanded an answer. "Alright Deku, you're worrying everyone in the school, so why don't you just let it out already!" Bakugo yelled in his face as he slammed his fists on Izuku's desk. "What are you talking about?" Izuku asked, innocently. "This!? You are losing weight faster than I can feasibly feed you, and the fact that you sometimes throw it up later on is extremely worrying! My mom has been trying to adopt you for weeks and they haven't allowed her to!?" The boy said, greatly surprising all three boys with him. "W-what are you talking about, I can't be worth adopting?" Izuku said, as the boy in front of him stared at him angrily. "Alright, that is it?! I am calling the police about why you are being beaten and abused in that specific orphanage!?" Bakugo said, as he knocked Izuku out with a hard chop to the neck. "This is Musutafu Police Department, how can I help you?" A female voice called out. "My name is Bakugo Katsuki, and I would like to report an abuse case to you all." Bakugo said, as the woman on the other side of the phone bristled at the tone. 

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