He grins, a sinister glint in his eyes. "We've considered all contingencies, Alex. Resistance will be swiftly dealt with."

Somewhat unsatisfied with the information I've gleaned, I nod once more. "Thank you for addressing my questions, sir. I wanted to ensure I understand your vision and plans better. It's good to be on the same wavelength."

His expression remains inscrutable as he replies, "Your dedication is noted, Alex. Your father would be proud."


Do not fucking mention him ever again.

Tightening my hands around the seat of the stool, I can feel my knuckles turn white with the grip. My jaw clenches, and I quickly note that my facade is showing some cracks.

Don't let it get to you, Alex.

With my cover intact, I open the tablet that was resting on my lap. "I had another thing to mention, sir."

His gaze is glued to me as I unlock the device, and his expression doesn't change when he sees the map I pull up on the screen.

A fake one, ofcourse.

"Yesterday I was doing some work when someone from the expeditionary crew came to me. I'm not sure if it was brought to your attention yet, but they noticed some suspicious activities right here."

"Briefly," he says, his tone hinging on boredom.


"I was thinking it'd be smart to go and take a quick look. Just me and Carter. Nothing big, but keeping it undercover. Can I have permission to do so, sir? You never know what these people could be doing."

He doesn't blink, and his eyes show me a blank expression that tells me he's not even thinking about it. "Good idea."

I nod, closing the tablet. "We'll get right on it, sir."

"I expect you to be back no later than midnight," he suddenly says as I get up, a chilling smile playing up on his face. "There is no need to be out there for so long."


"You know there's no turning back after this?" Carter quips, his hand on the rifle dangling against his hip.

"Hmm," I tilt my head. "Not entirely true."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Once Canmoore is out of the picture... I can do whatever I want. We can do whatever we want."

His eyes widen in surprise. "I hadn't even thought of it like that."

"Well, I did," I smile. "You just wait, sunshine. Believe me when I tell you this hassle will be worth it."

The leaves rustling in the wind break up our conversation, and the trees sway in the distance. It's cold out, and we've got about three hours to get it done. Canmoore wanted us back by midnight, but I won't 'make it' that far.

"This place should be good," I stop, finding a fallen-over log to lean against.

Carter casts a glance at the surroundings, his hand still resting on the rifle. "So, do we just wait here now?"

I nod. "For a little while, yes."

The quiet stretches between us, and I find myself lost in my thoughts. This plan is the first step to my freedom, and the idea of being away from my base fills me with a sense of longing and excitement. It's a chance to finally live on my terms, free from the shackles of that oppressive organization and to hopefully lead it in my own way in the future.

Reliant ~ [John Soap MacTavish]Where stories live. Discover now