Chapter 2: When there's Mask there's a party

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Edward looks at the green wooden mask in confusion. It's just some mask and it has nothing that can stick to his face. He shrugs and leaves it on the counter, going to the storage closet. After rummaging around a bit he walks out in a yellow suit and sighs "Yeah this is perfect. If anyone asks I'll tell them I'm from curious George." Edward rolls his eyes and turns back to the closet. Suddenly there's a thud and he quickly turns back to see the mask on the floor.

"What the hell?" He walks over to the mask and inspects it. "It's not broken... That's good I guess." Edward looks at the inside of the mask. There's a shimmer of green and Edward falls into a trance. He slowly brings it closer to his face but at the last second snaps out of it "What the hell am i-" The mask latches onto his face!

Edward stumbles back as the mask begins to grow around his head. He screams as he tries ripping it off but it feels like he's trying to rip off his own skin. He grabs a kitchen knife and starts stabbing at the mask but it does nothing. Suddenly he drops the knife. His hand starts straightening out and soon he loses all control over his body. There's a flash of green and he's suddenly on the floor.

Edward gets up slowly. He stumbles towards a mirror and looks at himself

 He stumbles towards a mirror and looks at himself

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He jumps back in fear. Edward then leans closer and starts touching his face "Woah... I look... Sexy! Damn this is one hell of a mask! I'm like a young Jim Carrey!" He then winks. "Get it? Well never mind that! I got a party to get to!"

Edward struts to his front door but then stops himself "wait a second. I just got magical mask strapped onto my face. Why the hell am I walking out the door?"

Edward goes flying out the window and lands on the pavement. He gets up and dusts himself off without an issue. "So I do have powers! Jeez am I glad that worked." Edward walks down the street to the bar. He then sees Sandra walking out with another guy and his eyes flare a red color for a moment.

Meanwhile Sandra was clinging to the man's arm and acting flirty. "Oh mark you're such a tease. Let's get to your place and-" at that moment a man in a doctor's uniform walks up to them. Mark looks at him with confusion "uh can we help you?" The doctor shakes his head "No but I can help you mark. It's official.... You have aids." Marks eyes widen and Sandra quickly backs away from him. "W-what?! I don't have aids!"

The doctor rubs his head and sighs "I told you to stop fucking animals. First monkeys and now you're trying to fuck a bitch? HAAHAHAHA!" Sandra walks up to the man angrily "Hey! Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!"  The doctor smiles and grabs his face. He pulls his skin off like wet paper and reveals the big green head of Edward "Oh trust me. You don't want me to answer that. Now then does your boyfriend know you're out here? Being passed around like a shiny Charizard"

Sandra is silent. She doesn't know what to say and then mark shoves Edward. "Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?" Edward then holds up his fists like a black and white cartoon  character "Oh so you wanna trade fisticuffs huh? You wanna get mollywooped I see, you wanna separate the men from the boys?"

Suddenly mark punches Edward in the face and Edward twirls around, seeing stars and birds "remember kids! Stay in drugs, don't do milk and drink your school!" Edward then shakes his head with a smile and points at mark "Ya shouldn'tve done that! Now I'm gonna have to use my supernatural powers on you!" Mark rolls his eyes but before he can say anything he starts coughing, he then falls to his knees and Sandra quickly runs to his side "W-what did you do to him?!" Edward holds his finger up, indicating that she should wait.

Mark then starts coughing up a cloth. He continues to cough and pull it out, his face reddening and his eyes bulging but soon he pulls out the entire cloth. Edward waves it and suddenly they're in a school. Sandra looks like she's losing her grip on reality and mark is just in shock. Edward smiles widely and his eyes glow a bright red "wanna see how deep this rabbit hole goes?! HahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Suddenly Edward shoots up from his bed and looks around. He's in his bedroom and Sandra isn't there. He looks around his room and it seems the same. In a second the memories of what had happened replay in his mind and he quickly touches his face. He grabs his phone and checks his face from the camera. He's normal. No big green head or anything. Edward sighs in relief and falls back onto his bed with a smile. "It was a dream. Of course it was a dream. Hahaha h a h a... WAIT IM LATE!"

Edward quickly gets his ready for work and he sees the mask on his side table. He looks at it for a moment and walks away. He then goes into the kitchen and sees the knife on the floor. As he picks it up he remembers as the mask wrapped around his face and he stabbed at it with the knife but he shakes those thoughts away. "Just a dream." He sets the knife on the table and heads out for work.

"Are you sure about that?"

Edward looks back but doesn't see anything. He looks around for a moment with slight fear. He then leaves the apartment in a hurry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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