Morning Routine

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"Good morning, Seele."

"Good morning, Seele!"

We hadn't been separated for long, but it quickly became routine for the two of us to greet each other exactly like this in the morning.

Bronya had already left for work, no doubt on her way to her office to see how Project Bunny was doing (who was already working...). So that meant that we would share our morning together, and along with it, our routine.

Or rather, it would be more precise to say it was Seele's routine, since it wasn't as if I ever needed one anyways. For most of my existence, I had been a voice inside Seele's head.

"Oh, Seele, your hair's kind of messy," Seele pointed out to me, running her hand through the mess that was my morning hair. It wasn't a complete disaster, and as Seele pointed out, it made me look...cute. Really? To me it looked like a mess, as I gazed at my face in the small mirror I had picked up on my way to the dining table.

According to Seele, I looked cute when my face was all drowsy and still waking up. Seriously, what is that girl talking about? Just nonsense, I look ready to attack at any time.

"Hmph, I'll just go get the brush and..." I trailed off, eyeing the brush in Seele's hand.

"Where did you get that? And when?" I asked after a moment.

I didn't receive a response at first.

"I...I may have watched you sleep for a bit in the morning," Seele admitted sheepishly.

My eyes widened in surprise, but my heart thumped loudly in my chest at the thought of Seele watching me like that...which meant that we were even obviously! That was all. Yeah, that was it. What a dummy, going and saying it like that. What if I thought she was weird for it?

Not like I would.


"G-Go on..." I finally murmured, motioning for Seele to come join me.

I pushed out my chair, and Seele joined me from behind. She hummed to herself, gently stroking my hair with the brush. I expected the process to be a little painful, but Seele was so soft on my hair, even without getting it wet, it felt more like a massage for my head if anything.

"You could hurry it up," I said, watching Seele work away at my hair through the mirror I held up. Her smile was radiant even in her reflection.

"But then I might hurt you," she replied, softly patting my head. I grumbled as a response, though I was thankful that at least Bronya wasn't here to tell me that I being cranky.

I continued to watch Seele, noticing that she was now doing up my hair. What a cheeky girl, did she think I wouldn't notice?

Ah, she must have seen me scowl.

"You're gonna look really cute with this hair style, Seele," she grinned, "I can't wait to get you more hair clips and pins for your hair."

"I-I don't need to look cute like you!" I replied, my face feeling hot, "All I need is to look dangerous, intimidating, things like that. I'm more like that, okay?"

Seele stopped, pondering over my words.



"I think you're really cute, Seele. Even if you like to go for the darker kind of look, you're still adorable to me."

"After all, we complement each other, right? So if I look cute, then you must be as well."

I opened my mouth, but only faint stuttering and stammering flowed out from my lips. If my face wasn't hot already, my cheeks were burning now. I gazed at my reflection, and all I saw was someone who looked like a flustered school girl! I was better than that, and so I tried to fix my face into a mean scowl.

But Seele smiling so happily from behind made that an impossible task. This girl was impossible at times.

"Hm..." I then noticed something about my hair. Peering at the mirror, I realized that Seele had braided a part of it, in the same way her hair was. I swallowed, it did look nice...

It didn't take long for Seele to finish. My hair was neatly braided from behind, letting most of my hair flow down but keeping a part of it tucked up in the braid.

"Th-thanks, Seele..." I murmured, "it looks really good."

Seele's delicate hands ran through my hair softly, and she placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"This is so much fun, it's like we're really sisters now. I've always wanted to do these kinds of things with you, Seele. It gives me a joy I've never felt before."

"Yeah..." I breathed. My stomach felt warm and fuzzy from Seele's touch.

"Light and shadow are both beautiful in their own right, and when they're together, they make each other much more beautiful," Seele tilted the mirror to capture the both of them in its reflection.

I blinked, and what I saw were two nearly identical girls, red and blue, light and dark, smiling together.

"You're right, Seele," I whispered. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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